b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYElissa NaufulDirector of Sales The Center for Sales StrategyA Social Media Strategy for RecruitmentTpandemichasmadethewaythatorganizationsfindcandidates. Does it work? Theres he the job search for both thetalent and connect to candidatesnoquestion.However,theplat-candidate and the recruiterhas shifted as well. forms a recruiter versus a candi-challenging. date use can vary.Social media has become an in-Neverhasatightlabormarketvaluabletoolfortheactiveand83% of job seekers use Facebook had a deluge of resources in thepassiverecruiter,aswellastheas their primary tool to search for talentsearchcoupledwithsav- activeandpassivejob/careera role, while recruiters only use vy job seekers. Online recruitingseeker. that platform 65%. isnotnew.Infact,inthemid-1990s, the first online job boardsAccordingtoSproutSocial,Benefits of Social changed the way candidates ap- 25% of all job seekers use so-pliedforjobs.GoodbyecottoncialmediatopinpointtheirMedia Recruitingresumepaper,andhellotothenext career opportunity. One of the best ways to get great digital CV.The Muse states that 92% ofcandidates is to use your current Theres no question that organi- companies usesocialmediaemployee network. Employee re-zationsworldwidearesearchingforhiring(andthatisntjustferrals are a rich source of poten-for talent, and that net is widerLinkedIn). tial leads for open positions.than ever with work from homeWiththeeraofdigitalnativesDid you know that if your employ-and work from anywhere. entering the workforce and mil- ees are NOT referring friends to lennials rising through the ranks,the company, this could be a sign Job candidates are no longer lim- finding talent will be even moreof weak employee engagement? itedbygeography,andorgani- social. zations,intheory,haveamuchOther benefits include:widertalentpool.WiththejobSocialrecruitingissimplyusing marketandthesearchgoingsocialmediatoolstoconnect,Increasingbrandandaware-throughdramaticdigitalshifts,share, and engage with potentialness for your organization 42 A Social Media Strategy for Recruitment'