b'Wehavefullteambuy-infromleadership.WeThishasbeenhelpfulinnarrowingthetalent have established KPIs for the managers, they havepool a little further.to actively recruit one candidate per week ANDWe generally do a 15-minute screening on Zoom to interview at least two qualified diverse candidatesstart and then have them complete an assessment.before filling a position.Ideally, you want to do this early in the process. It Aretherespecificsourceswhereyouallows for us to ask more talent-based questions. havefoundsomeofyourbestdiverseIn addition, the Top Talent Report is a fun way to candidates? show your investment in the candidate. Howev-er, you have to meet people where they are at. OneoftheHistoricallyBlackUniversities(HBU)Taking an assessment when a person is undecided has provided a great pool of diverse candidates inon their interest could be a turnoff when court-news and sales. It is located right down the roading top talent in the market. In a case like that, it from the station, and the alumni are a strong net- should come a little later in the process.work. To summarize, Ill take you back to the title of this ar-LinkedInhasworkedwellforus.Wereallygoticle: how do you go from A-Z with DEIB? After digest-intoournetwork(s),sharejobpostings,identi- ing the comments from the four managers I talked fy candidates with the background needed, andto, I would encourage these three steps:then make a conscious effort to follow up. When1.Commit to greatly increasing your talent pool someone you know or have worked with has con- and ensure some of that talent is diverse in na-nections with someone who has the backgroundture. There is no reason not to do this.youre looking for, it makes for a better cold re-cruitment call. Youre able to say, I see that we2.Use one of our Talent Assessments early in the haveafewconnectionsincommonlikeX,andprocess so you end up with diverse candidates after talking to them, they thought you might bewho also have the talent needed to succeed in interested in this opportunity, so I wanted to reachthe job.out 3Hirethebestcandidateforthejob,trusting We have found success at junior colleges. Theythat with a more diverse pool of candidates, tend to be more diverse than other universities. you will stock your organization with great tal-ent,andovertime,increaseddiversetalent. Localcolleges,friendsandcoworkers,recruit-ing lists, LinkedIn, media partners. Our company recruiterhasbeenastrongresourceproviding some great candidates, but we jump in quickly when those candidates emerge to build rapport and own the relationship. The three keys we have learned in our process: take action, be intentional on why they are an interesting candidate, make yourself as approachable as possible.At what point in the process have you used the Sales Talent Assessment (STA) or the Management Talent Assessment (MTA)? For some, we use the assessments as the initial screening before we even talk to candidates. We use the STA and MTA after the initial inter-view, for those we move to the next round.How Do You Get From A-Z with DEIB? 31'