b'IntroductionTALENT TALKBeth SunshineSenior VP, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureA Letter From the Editor 2022T his has been a year of re- nizationshavefacedinthelastly fit into your role. We will also flection. year.Itwillalsoprovideinsightshare techniques you can use to Acrosstheboard,peopleinto trends we are seeing relat- improve your hiring process and have paused, taking time to thinked to the Recruitment, Selection,answeryourquestionsabout about their priorities and re-eval- Development,andEngagementhowtoeffectivelyuseyourgut uate the trade-offs theyre willingofyourpeopleandsharebestinstinctwhengrapplingwith to make for a paycheck. Cravingpractices you can use to improvetough hiring decisions. Then you opportunities that provide great- revenue performance. will learn from a team of experts er meaning and a stronger senseIntheRecruitmentsection,weat Talent Plus how you can make of purpose, many exercised theirwill focus on building a strong Tal- stronghireswhileavoidingthe newfound advantage in the mar- ent Bank so you can fill open po- possibilityofunintentionalbias ketplace and switched lanes. sitions more quickly, bring moreor adverse impact during the se-talented people on board, reducelection process. Finally, well take Companies in turn have taken ayourlevelofstress,andbettera close look at two different sales beat to put their Employee Valueserve your clients. You will learnorganizationsandlearnabout Proposition under a microscope.fromarecruitmentexperthowthe strategies they put in place to They recognized the erupting wartoimproveandstreamlineyouridentify and select highly talent-for talent and considered ways tohiring process in five easy steps.edpeoplewhowillchangethe increase employee engagement,We will also take a deep dive intocourse of their business future. improveretention,andbeefuphowyoucanincreaseDiversity, their recruitment efforts. Your journey through the Devel-Equity,Inclusion,andBelongingopmentsectionwillbeginwith Company culture will be the big(DEIB)inyourbusinesstoday.an exercise you can use to devel-winner here. Even in the most far- And,ofcourse,wellrevealtheop your people with a simple but flung businesses across the coun- most recent data collected in ourpowerful tool. Then well uncover try, culture has been brought outannual Sales Superstar Study, sohow a leading company has im-into the sunlight and is receivingyou have insight into how to findproved sales performance by tai-theattentionitdeserves.Bothyour next sales superstar.loring its coaching to the unique employeesandemployersalikeNext, we will tackle the concepttalents of each seller. Next, well are paying close attention to howof Selecting top talent in a chal- hear from a newly retired execu-their company culture can thrive.lengingcandidatemarket.Wetive about how he achieved great ThisyearsissueoftheTalentwill provide you with proven in- successbyunderstandingtalent Magazinewilladdressmanyofterviewquestionsyoucanusein real life, and youll learn ac-thechallenges,victories,andtounderstandyourcandidatestionablestrategiesyoucansuc-changingprioritiessalesorga- talentsandhowtheywilllike- cessfully use in your job. We have 4 A Letter From the Editor 2022'