b'STR AIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSJon GordonPresident,The Jon Gordon Companies5 Ways to Create Positive ChangeI receivedacallaboutthreestaypositive.Weneedtostay2. Create Inside-Out boiling yearsagofromEvanSpiegel,positive in the face of all this neg- As I wrote in The Coffee Bean, the theCEOandCo-founderofativity. We cant let it get to us. world can be like a pot of Snapchat(Snap).EvanhadreadInmytalkIdidshareresearch,hot water. You can be like a carrot The Power of Positive Leadershipcase studies, the cost of negativ- that gets weakened when placed in andinvitedmetospeakatanity, and the benefits of positivity.the pot, or you can be like an egg offsite meeting for his leadershipIfinditshelpfulwhendealingthatgetshardened(bitter,angry, team.with smart people to make a log- uncaring) in a tough environment. I researched Snap and discoveredical case for positivity. But mostOr you can be like the coffee bean there was a lot of negativity sur- importantlyIsharedhowposi- that transforms the water into cof-roundingthecompany.Expertstive leaders stay positive to cre- fee. Instead of being impacted by said Instagram was coming afteratepositivechange.andtodaytheheatanddifficultconditions, their business and they were get- Iwanttoshareafewoftheseit instead transforms the environ-tingbombardedwithnegativityprinciples/practices with you andment its in. The noise, media, neg-andcriticismfromthemedia,your team.ativity, and criticism only have pow-financialinvestors,WallStreet,er over you if you let it. If you know and much of the marketplace. 1. Control What You Canthe truth that you create from the Controlinside-out, not outside in, then you As I prepared for my talk, I askedwont let your circumstances define Evan what he wanted me to talkIts simple but its true. You cantyou. Instead you will be like the cof-about. I knew the people in thecontrolwhatpeoplearesayingfee bean and work to define your room would be many of the mostand thinking about you. You cantcircumstances.Whenyouknow brilliantmindsintheindustry,controlthecompetitionthatisthe power is on the inside and you and I expected to hear words likecoming after your business. Youcreate the world with your beliefs, research,analytics,casestud- cant control most things in life,passion,positivity,purpose,work ies,cost-benefitanalysis.Butbut you can control your attitude,ethic, soul, and spirit, you become instead he simply said, Help usyour effort, and your actions.a powerful force in the world. 138 5 Ways to Create Positive Change'