b'ployee expectations for training andbe blamed on wasted time looking for in-skill development. formation and trying to move something This generation does not believe trainingthrough the system. These improved is something they have to do, rather it isprocesses will increase productivity and something they want to do. According todecrease employee burnout.Bersin/Deloitte, training and development is the employee benefit ranked most im- 8.Repetitive tasks will be more fre-portant by this generation, which meansquently handled by technology, which it will become a much greater focus thanwill drive employees to adapt and de-it is now. velop the skills that computers cant do (yet) like critical thinking, problem 5.The gold standard for employeesolving, teamwork, and collaboration. training and development will include a blend of online learning and on-the- 9.The current talent shortage and the job training, coaching, and mentoring.increased understanding that good Learning will begin to happen more in thework can be done outside of a given workflow since it is more relevant when itlocation will lead businesses to lean is embedded in the individuals day-to-daymore heavily on agile workers like job. As a result, learners will naturally takefreelancers, gig workers, project con-greater ownership of their own learningsultants, and contract workers.experiences in an effort to achieve their personal and professional goals.While more than two-thirds of compa-nies are already using agile workers, they 6.Because attention spans are gettingcurrently make up 30% of the workforce. shorter while the need for attentionEmployers expect that rate to climb to to details is getting stronger, these69% by 2025 (Deloitte), saving companies sessions will be designed as chunkedmoney and time while offering fresh per-learning or microlearning sessionsspectives and increased innovation. that provide short bursts of informa-tion with the opportunity to practice10.Companies will continue to climb a and achieve mastery. steep creativity curve.People have been forced to find different 7.Companies will look for ways to im- and new ways to work, and as a result prove systems and resources in ordermany have become more efficient and to increase the productivity of theirproductive. Companies have had to adapt employees. their processes and eliminate work that Research suggests that in an eight-hourwas deemed no longer necessary. Em-day, the average worker is only produc- ployees have taken on new responsibili-tive for two hours and 53 minutes. (Inc.)ties which has required new thinking and Too much of this lack of productivity canskill development.Top 10 Development Trends 85'