b'25% of all job seekers use social mediato pinpoint theirnext careeropportunity. Growingyourpoolofcandi- file. You can gather an incredible3. Have a Social Presencedates amount of insights from open so- Its important to note that if you Opening door to employee en- cial profiles.have a social presence and are us-gagement 2. Use the Right ing it to recruit, make sure youre Ability to screen candidates inPlatforms conducting social profile audits. a unique wayAsocialprofileauditwillensure Cost savingsUsingtherightplatformsatthethatyoursocialbrand,bythe righttimeisequallyimportant.platform,isconsistentwithyour How to Recruit onLinkedInisaprofessionalsocialcorporate brand. This is where a network; however, your employeescandidate can get a sense of the Social Media are most likely using other socials,organization,theculture,thevi-socially. Be where your candidatession, and the mission of the orga-1. Know Your Goals are gathering online socially.nization.Before all else, start with your goalFacebookhassomeincredibleShowing who you are socially to and remember that social can informgroups targeted to specific roles,attract candidates is critical in a your entire recruitment process.industries, or regionals that focuscompetitivejobmarket.Culture Monitoring the social sites of can- onsimplysharingandtargetingcanbereflectedinyoursocial didates can give you insights intocandidates.assets,anditisaprincipalfac-the values and cultural fits of can- Ofcourse,theresthe Facebooktor for job seekers. Did you know didates. Before you interview, itsJob Board, and Facebook providesthat 69% of job seekers will not best practice to check the candi- insightsintohowtoeffectivelyconsider a company with a weak datesresumevs.LinkedInpro- post on business pages.culture? A Social Media Strategy for Recruitment 43'