b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYKelly GeorgeTalent Analyst The Center for Sales StrategyThe Future Is Here: AI Meets Recruiting W hen was the last time you heard some- forming tasks that typically require human intelli-oneusethewordsartificialintelli- gence. Under AI, machines stimulate human think-gence?Adecadeago,itmighthaveing and behavior, making it possible for computers been sparingly, but today we are hearing the termto learn from stimulated experiences to perform on a daily basis. As the tech industry continues toa wide variety of tasks. The goal of AI is to create expand, engaging with other sectors such as auto- computer systems smart enough to solve complex motive,biomedicalscience,datascience,health- human problems.care, and entertainment, it is increasingly likely thatWithinAIismachinelearning,whichallowsma-tech will come to play a role in all of our corporatechines to automatically learn from past data with-lives.out explicit computer programming. A key function It might seem that the tech industry is quite distantof AI in the corporate workplace is data analysis. AI from Human Resources, but, in fact, the two fieldscan crunch data with an efficiency, immediacy, and are already working closely together.speed simply impossible for humans, and they can study and learn from the data much faster than we Whether in day-to-day tasks such as virtual meet- can too. ings,schedulingplatforms,andevenemailmes- AI can help streamline recruiting processes by cut-saging or in larger goals such as recruitment andting out all the time we spend surveying data and employee engagement, artificial intelligence, is anallowing us to focus directly on our clients in turn. integral key to the success of the modern day work- And AI can also specifically identify what makes a place.Andleavingtechnologyoutofyourwork- candidate a good fit, helping companies find the place plan will quickly leave you behind. right candidates at lightning speed. By mapping key But what exactly is artificial traitsrecruitersaresearchingfor,AIcanquickly scan through potential candidates and match them intelligence?without human bias. Artificial intelligence refers to the development ofWeknowhowcumbersometheapplicationpro-computersystemsandmachinescapableofper- cess can be, and AI can also help with application 40 The Future Is Here: AI Meets Recruiting'