b'degreeofpositivitytopowerpeople a week, so I am buildingtheythinkisprettysharp,you throughtherejectionsthatmytalentbank.Thatsagoodaregettingnamesofpeople comewithnewbusinessstart,butabetterquestionwhodisplaythetalentsyou development, you might includewouldbehowmuchtimediddeemed critical for the job. Ask these statements: you spend this week proactivelyadifferentquestion,andyou For me, the glass is always halfreaching out to find candidatesget a different answer.full. whohavethetalentyouare looking for? That one is tougherBytheway,youcantakethis I am known for my contagiousfor most managers. sameapproachonLinkedIn energy. Themostsuccessfulmanagersandgetreferrals,butdont Ifitsthatrelationshiptalentusealloftheirresourcesskipthepersonaloutreachto youve deemed crucial for yourcompanyHRandrecruiters,yournetwork.Itspowerful particularopening,youcancandidatesrespondingtotheirand produces candidates much include these: ownads,ANDcandidatestheymore likely to meet your criteria findontheirownbytappingthan the general pool of those People often tell me it seemstheir network of customers andseekinganewsalesjob.Your like Ive never met a stranger. contacts. Back to our sales hirebestcandidatesareprobably I am known as an extrovert. scenariowhy not reach out toworkingsomewhereelseright I just love engaging others. customersyouknowwhogetnow.called on by many salespeople, Heres what happens when youorsocialorotherbusinessUse a TalentbeginbylookingforbehaviorscontactsyouknowwhoknowInstrumentinsteadofjustexperienceorpeople you dont know? This is educational requirementsyouone way to utilize your network. Nothing beats a good gut when find people who will say, I sawKeep in mind when you do reachit comes to hiring, right? Wrong. your posting and I was thinking,outyouarenotjustaskingSomegutsarebetterthan wow,youjustdescribedmeaboutwhoimpressesthem,others, but nothing makes for a to a T! Others who dont feelyou are asking about who theygood gut more than backing it up like youve described them willknow who expresses particularwith a little science. Candidates simply not respond. Youll havebehaviors. For example: thatarerecommendedona appliedamagnettoattractvalidated talent instrument are thosemostlikelytosucceedHi, Angelina: farmorelikelytowanttobe andafiltertodissuadethoseWearealwayslookingforretained by their managers than wholikelywillnotsucceedintalentedpeopleforourteamthosewhohavenotbehired the role. You are already ahead! hereandIknowyouinteractwith the instrument. The talent Now,weknowyouwanttowith a lot of people.instrumentwillalsogiveyou put in that info about basic jobWho do know who know who insights in the behaviors in each requirementsandhowgreatof those talents so youll know your company is to work for, butHas never met a stranger? what behaviors to ask for when you can do that after you haveIsasticklerforqualityandyou are recruiting.deployed your magnet and theprecision?filter. Trust your gut, but verify what Always has a positive attitude? youarefeelingwithsome Utilize Your science. You and your company Is persuasive when they needwillbegladyoudidsincethe Network to be? cost of turnover can be crippling SomanymanagershavesaidNowinsteadofgettingafrombothanexpenseand to me, Jim, I interview severalsubjectiveimpressionofwhorevenue standpoint.38 How to Recruit for Specific Talents'