b'PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICETALENT DASHBOARDGreg GierschClient Experience/Senior Vice President The Center for Sales StrategyThis magazine is filled with great ideas on how to improve your Recruitment, Selection, Development, and Engagement efforts. Clients of the Center for Sales Strategy can apply and track many of these practices in the Talent Dashboard. All managers at a client company have access to the Talent Dashboard. We will cover just a few of the fea-tures available to Premium and Basic Talent Services clients in each area. Recruitment SelectionThe best approach to recruitment is to build a TalentYou have several tools that can support you in se-Bank. Your Talent Dashboard has a tab to bring youlecting the right candidate. Two ways you can add a directly to a list of your active candidates. You cancandidate to your Talent Bank:add a candidate to your Talent Bank in two ways: 1. Talent Assessment: We have assessments de-1. Add Candidate to Talent BankThis manualsigned specifically for managers, salespeople, step works well when you are not ready to askprofessional staff, and customer support. You them to complete a talent assessment or wantcan share your bulk link as described in the re-to be sure to save more details like experiencecruitment section or order the assessment on levels or a link to their LinkedIn profile.the candidates talent record. 2. ShareYourUniqueAssessmentBulkLink2.Pre-HireReview&FeedbackNotes:Aftera When you share your bulk link with a candi- candidate completes an assessment, both Pre-date and they complete the assessment, themium and Basic clients can order a feedback call link is unique to you, and our system will notifywith a certified talent analyst to discuss their you and add them to your Talent Bank auto- talent and potential fit for the role. You can add matically.feedback notes on the call in the dashboard. Bonus Points:Some managers share their bulk link on their LinkedIn profiles or on recruitment flyers they hand out at job fairs.168 Putting it Into Practice - Talent Dashboard'