b'game and instead, take more of a humancaregiving benefits, flexible working hours, approach. Organizations will considerand well-being benefits. They will also begin ways to build and strengthen relationshipsto ask their employees what perks are most with each individual and tailor theirimportant to them. compensation plans, benefits and rewards, learning and development, and career8.Both employers and job candidates growth opportunities accordingly. will need to commit to better communication.5.Social media will be a key factor in46.8% of employers said that unresponsive successful recruitment. candidates (not hearing back from Job candidates are finding theirapplicants after reaching out) is a top opportunities almost exclusively withonline recruiting pain point. On the other online searches. Gone are the days ofhand, 48.8% of job seekers said the same bringing a resume into a potential placeabout employersthey are frustrated with of employment. Companies are alreadyapplying for jobs and receiving no response. adjusting their recruitment strategies asMoving forward, both parties will need to a result, and the use of social media willcommit to better communication if they continue to grow.want to achieve a better outcome. 6.There will be a commitment to DEIB. 9.Employee turnover will continue to In the quest to find meaningful careerincrease before improving.opportunities, candidates will pay evenThe combination of an already-shrinking more attention to an organizationstalent pool with the global pandemic stance on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, andresulted in a talent shortage no one could Belonging (DEIB). They will look at howhave predicted. Companies are bracing for these concepts are prioritized and seekmore, and according to Korn Ferry, 55% of more information during their interviewprofessionals believe employee turnover process. 49% percent of recruiters alreadywill increase in 2022.report that job seekers are inquiring about the companys stance on this. 10.Companies will focus more on employee well-being and prioritize 7.Candidates will become moremental health.discerning about who they work for. According to a Harvard Business Review More than 75% are taking intosurvey, symptoms of mental health consideration work-life balance, flexibleconditions have increased significantly over work options, and company culture beforethe last two years. They report that 68% of applying, and companies are responding.senior HR leaders rated employee well-Instead of free lunches or an on-site gymbeing and mental health as a top priority in usage, organizations will begin offering,2021, and this will only increase. Top 10 Recruitment Trends 23'