b'team capable of achieving remarkable success.vidual peak performance. When you find a leader When hiring, the best leaders choose exceptional tal- who knows how to inspire and ignite the personal ent over experience every time.passion and competitive drive to succeed in each team member, you will also find a leader with a his-The best leaders know the key to their personal suc- tory of success. cess is to assemble an exceptionally talented teamThe CSS Growth Guide (the IMQ for the veterans and create work environments where those peopleout there) can tell you so much about each person. can excel. It is a great tool for Individualized Perception. Do The best leaders know that talent by itself will leadthe Growth Guide very well with each new hire, take to an acceptable level of success, but when they pro- great notes about each person, and review those vide that talent with development opportunities, ac- notes on a regular basis. When talented team mem-countability, expectations, and a caring relationship,bersknowyoucareabouttheirindividualneeds, exceptional levels of success can be achieved for thethey will give you permission to drive them to suc-team and for individual team members. cess.Many leaders succeed because they make talent de-Talent Development velopment one of their top job priorities. The most Talentdevelopmentishardandgratifyingwork.talented people expect to be challenged to grow Individualized Perception is a great place to startand get better. Conversely, many leaders fall short in talent development. This is a Gallup leadershipof success because talent development is never a theme that in two words crystalizes the importancepriority to them. Talent development must be act-of working with each member of the team in a cus- ed on every week. Planned interactions like sales tomized way to help them maximize their potential.meeting and weekly focus meetings should always Differentstrokesfordif- be set up so that a significant percentage of the time ferent folks will leadisdedicatedtodevelopment.Inalloccupations, you tothe most talented people strive to develop their talentsforcontinuousimprove-ment. You cannot name an all-star professional athlete, in-di- Talent Development in Real Life 95'