b'UP YOUR CULTUREDeborah FulghumEngagement Specialist/Culture Coach Up Your CultureHigher Employee Engagement Means Higher RevenueHeres ProofE mployeeengagementdi- falls,thesearetheareasthatvicethatjusthappenedtosell rectlyaffectsbusinesssuffer the negative impact.shoes.performanceand weve found proof! Increased Revenue Developingtherightcompany culture is too important to push TherearemanymeasurablePayingattentiontoyourcom- asideorconsiderfluff.Your benefitstoimprovingyourpany culture is vital to your bot- employees will decide to give it company culture and increasingtom line. According to a recenttheir all if they are engaged, and employee engagement. In turn,Gallupstudy,companieswithit could be the deciding factor this increase leads to higher rev- strongemployeeengagementof your success.enue for you. outperformcompaniesthat haveweakemployeeengage-Whenateamofemployeesisment by 147% in earnings-per- Decreased engaged,peoplearenaturallyshareandhaveoverallprofit- Employee Turnover happier,andthecompanyen- ability that is 21% higher.joyssignificantimprovementsAfraidoftheGreatResigna-in these three areas: TakeZapposasanexample,tion?whichisknownforitsunique 1. Increased revenue andmotivationalculture.TheyIf you pay attention to what is in 2.Decreasedemployeeturn- builttheirentirecompany,Gallups State of the Workplace over which they sold for $1.2 billionreport,youmaytakepause. in2009afteronly10years,The report shared that 63% of 3Improvedkeyaccountre- based on their positive culture.employeesarenotengagedat tention They werent just in the businesswork,24%areactivelydisen-Whenemployeeengagementof selling shoes. They are in thegaged,andONLY13%areen-rises, these areas improve. Butbusiness of delivering happinessgaged. Only 13% are engaged. whenemployeeengagementandexceptionalcustomerser- Yes, you read that correctly.144 Higher Employee Engagement Means Higher RevenueHeres Proof'