b'KnowingthatyouremployeesImproved KeyThey have a strong commitment may not be engaged, you musttoexceedingexpectations, pay attention to what they wantAccount Retention which is why there is always a from you to stay. To help get youEmployeeswhohavepositivelinefortheirfood.Theyalso started, here are a few ideas toattitudestowardtheircom- have a 97% retention rate and put into action now. panyaremoreenergizedandare ranked #1 in the casual din-creativeinhowtheyapproaching category. They will tell you Taketimetolistentoeachtheir jobs. Their happiness maythat their most competitive ad-person you manage. inspireagreatercommitmentvantage is their culture. Uncover what success looksto the company.like for them. When employees are engaged,Increasing Revenue Considerwhatspecificbe- theywantthecompanytobeThrough Employee haviors or activity would im- successful,whichwillleadto prove their performance. wantingtonaturallydeliverEngagementWhen you see those behav- higherlevelsofcustomerser- As you look for ways to improve iors, recognize and celebrateviceandsatisfaction.Whenyour bottom line, your smartest byspecificallysharingwhatyour customers are happy, theymovewouldbetofocusona you saw. tend to be loyal as well, leadingculture-first mentality. Once you Thesesimplestepsareagreatto higher client retention. getthatright,greatthingswill beginningtoengageyourem- begin to happen to increase your Chick-fil-A is a great example ofrevenue, decrease your employ-ployees.Uncoveringwhatishow an amazing culture leads toeeturnover,andimproveyour importanttothem,whetheritclient retention. Their teams arekey account retention.is in their development or cele- hiredtodelivercustomer-first brating their success, could helpservice.WhenyouwalkintoHerearesomekeystatisticsto employees feel they matter and,theirlocations,youfeelwel- takeaway relating to the connec-inturn,theywillwanttostay,come and important. This inten- tion between employee engage-saving you both time and money. tional feeling began from theirment and increasing revenue:founder, Truett Cathy, who said, We should be about more thanHighlyengagedteamsshow just selling chicken. We should21% greater profitability.beapartofourcustomersEmployeeswhofeeltheir livesandthecommuni- voiceisheardare4.6times ties in which wemore likely to feel empowered serve.to perform their best at work.96%ofemployeesbe-lieveshowingempathyis animportantwaytoin-creaseemployeeretention. Higher Employee Engagement Means Higher RevenueHeres Proof 145'