b'Tirzah ThornburgSenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales StrategyTHREE PHASES OF ONBOARDINGC ompanies are fighting like never before to find, engage, and, most of all keep, talent as the job market becomes more competitive. The recent pandemic has caused older workers to leave the job market, many retiring with no intention of returning, leading to a lack of experienced talent across industries. And workers of all ages are currently reevaluating their careers, focused on working not just for money, but on finding Purpose, Happiness, and Life Balance in their jobs. Workers are looking to find a sense of belonging, to feel like they have joined not just a company, but a shared mission. Finding the right talent in this climate is a tough fight. Getting that talent to start strong, onboard quick-ly, and feel that your company is the right fit for them, is vital to success in 2022 and beyond. 98 Three Phases of Onboarding'