b'The Facts You Need on EngagementSmall-businessEmployee turnover is expensive! Current estimates range between 100% and 300% of owners are usingthe replaced employees salary.compensation to improve employeeEngaged employees provide aretention this year.better customer experience. 46% are planning to increase pay for current employees and 36% willAnd 86% of customers will pay more for a great offer larger bonuses.customer experience.Your employees care what your company stands for.Boost your bottom line by elevating employee Organizations that act on todays social issues see a 40% to 60% increase in the number of highlyengagement! engaged employees. Companies with low engagement scores average 30-50% higher turnover. Those with strong engagement scores Concerned about employeeaverage 18% higher productivity and absenteeism?12% higher profitability. Consider how you can increase employee engagement, which will reduce your problem by 41%. How Engagement Leads to Sales. PeopleFor every 1% increase in employee Sad State ofengagement, you can expect an needadditional .6% growth in sales. A to feelEngagement.highly engaged workforce leads to Only 33% of U.S20% higher sales and 21% higher valued.profitability!employees are 69% of employeesengaged at work. say theyd workWhen companies harder if theyincrease engagement,Valued Voice. were betterthey increaseEmployees who feel their voice is appreciated.productivity andheard are 4.6X more likely to perform retention with it!their best at work.Sources: QuickBooks, Glassdoor, Gallup, Harvard Business Review, Aon Hewitt, Forbes, Gartner, HubSpot, Forbes The Facts You Need on Engagement 125'