b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYBeth SunshineSenior VP, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureWhen the Golden Rule Fails, Try the Platinum RuleT he idea that you should do unto others as youImagine a highly competitive, contest-loving sales would have them do unto you dates back atmanagerwhoisresponsibleforcoachingare-least to Confucianism (551 BC) and has prece- lationship-driven,results-drivensellerwhojust dents in nearly every religion. doesnt see the world through competitive eyes.It makes sense, doesnt it? Treat people with theRather than measuring himself against others, this samekindnessandrespectthatyouwouldwantseller is solely driven by the opportunity to provide to be treated with yourselfand dont do things totop-notch service for his customer and help them people that you wouldnt want them to do to you. get results. The more the manager promotes con-testsandtoughercompetitions,determinedto Simple and true, this Golden Rule is one of thosemotivate the seller in the way they would want to kindergarten lessons that guides us to interact bet- be motivated, the more the seller feels misunder-ter with others.stood and frustrated with the distractions that get in the way of serving customers.Except when it doesnt work. In an attempt to motivate and develop the seller, this manager, loyally practicing the Golden Rule, finds themselves unknowingly doing a disservice The Golden Rule Fails Whento not only themself, but to the organization and Coaching and Developing Others clients as well. The manager needs to stop treat-Brilliant in concept, the Golden Rule is completelying the seller in the way they would want to be treated and find a better way!dysfunctional in practice because everybody is dif-ferent. What feels good to one doesnt feel goodFollow the Platinum Rule to another; rather than creating fairness, it often causes conflict. ThePlatinumRulesaysthatinsteadoftreating people the way you want to be treated, you must Heres an example. understand what makes them tick and treat them 110 When the Golden Rule Fails, Try the Platinum Rule'