b'Building a Selection Process Next, each sales manager was assigned the task of adding at least one candidate to the Talent Bank each Oneofmyclients,BonnevilleBayArea,hasfacedmonth. This helps fill the funnel for the talent bank the Great Resignation head-on by being proactive inandgivestheteamoptionsastheyarereviewing settingupahiringhierarchyanddelegatingcertainSales Talent Assessments and selecting the best talent aspects of the selection process to various managersand fit for the role and organization. They also began ontheteam.During2021,severaloftheirmarketssubscribingtoLinkedInRecruitertohelpincrease experiencedunexpectedturnover,oftenduetothe number of candidates that they can add to their people reacting to the pandemic and deciding to maketalent bank.lifechanges.Asaresult,thenumberofopensalesAfterallcandidatescompletedtheSalesTalent positions was much larger than it was traditionally forAssessment, then the recruiting manager was tasked this organization. with interviewing the candidate and finding out if they With so many open positions and facing an alreadyare a good fit for the team culture, sales role, and job difficultemploymentmarketforcompanies,theyspecificationsrequiredfortheopenposition.Ifthe decided that they needed to create a selection processcandidatepassedthattest,thentheyinterviewed thatwasdesignedtospreadresponsibilitiesandwith the Director of Sales and another manager to activities over the entire management team, while alsoensureaconsensusofmanagersagreebeforean relying on the team for the decision-making process.offer was made.First, they selected a Talent Team Leader. The talentThis detailed selection process allows the organization team leader was responsible for leading the processto find the best talent and best fit for the specific andowningtherecruitmentandselectionofnewsalesroletheyarelookingtohire.Thoughthe salespeople. Its important to assign ownership to theprocessdoestakealittlebitlongertoimplement, recruitment of talent for an organization. Its easy fortheyve seen the number of candidates in their talent all the sales managers to get busy and it falls throughbankgrowandthetalentlevelgreatlyincrease. thecracks.Byselectingalead,ithelpsusstayon track, said Steve Dinardo, DOS at Bonneville Bay Area. Thekey to successin selectingthe bestcandidates for your sales team often dependson theselection processthat youhave implemented with yoursales managers. Selection in the Time of the Great Resignation 61'