b'Our third question hit directlyOur final question was broad. on the concept of hiring basedWe asked: Please share your on gut instinct.thinking on the importance Steve recognizes the role that instinct hasof talent when it comes to in the hiring process, explaining that gutboth selection, coaching, and does play a part in the decision-making,retention. both in saying yes and in saying no. ForSteveexplained,Itscriticallyimport-example, we have declined to hire someant to keep talent in mind for selection, very talented sellersbecause of gut in- coaching, and retention. Related to both stincts. And we have hired not recom- coaching and retention, being aware of a mend candidatesagain, because oursellers talent intensities helps you iden-gut said its worth a shot. But ONLY re- tifygapsandbuildacoachingplanto lying on gut without considering talentmaximize a sellers performance. would NOT be acceptable.Scotts answer was very direct. He said,Scott agreed, saying that having top tal-Idaskthemiftheirgutinstinctsareent cannot be overstated. He went on worth costing them their job.to explain: Weve all made a lazy hire or two that have turned out to be lemons, and the amount of time, money, and re-Question number four askedsources wasted is painful. We try to be them to think about thedisciplined and stay true to the CSS fun-coaching and training theydamentalsofbuildingapropertalent have provided to both sellersbench, being disciplined in our screening with top talent and those whoand interviewing process, and truly hir-are average. We asked: Whating for talent. And once theyre hired, we difference in ROI have youdo our best to coach their strengths and seen for your company? significantly invest in training. Steve said, I say this all the timeinvestAt CSS our mission is to turn Talent into $1intraining/coachingofatoptalentPerformance.SteveGoldstein,Scott seller and youll get $3 back. If you investSutherland, and the companies they rep-$1 in training and coaching of mid-levelresent are clearly on that same mission!talented seller, youll get $1.50-$2 back.We are very thankful for their partner-Invest $1 in a below-average talent sell- ship and value our shared belief in talent. er, you get 50 cents back.Scott illustrated this further by explain-ing, Those with top talent are almost all above their 2019 billing while those with average talent are not. A View From the Executive Suite9'