b'an A-level actor/actress, a top musician, a leadingThe Management Formula that I first learned is this:doctor, etc., who is not always working to develop their talent. It should be the same in business. TheTalent x (Relationship + Expectation leadermustbetheadvocatefortalentdevelop-ment. The entire organization must know that de- + Reward/Recognition) =velopment and growth for everyone is important.Per Person ProductivityThe leader is the coach who is responsible for pro-vidingthetrainingormakingresourcesavailableThe Growth Formula that we use today is this:so that all team members can grow and the most talented can excel. Talent development is a week- (Talent + Fit) x Investment = Growthly AAA Priority for all great leaders. But Talent andAs I focused on The Management Formula for most Talent Development alone are not enough. of my career, I will use that for this article, but it is important to note that the Growth Formula is the Accountability and evolution of the Management Formula and proven Expectations to drive individual and team success in todays work Accountability plays a significant role in any organi- environment. zations success. Talented people are often the mostYou can have an extremely talented team. You can rebellious and hardest to manage. They know theyhavegreatdevelopmentprogramsinplace.And arenaturallygood,whichmakesthemvaluable,your systems of accountability can be exceptional. and they often resist training from people whomAnd still might not have success. The Management they do not see as being at their level. The mostFormula/Growth Formula is your plan to put that all talented people often push the boundaries or steptogether for success with individuals and your team.across the line to see what they can get away with. Great leaders are savvy enough to set up flexible,Talent xbutunbreakableboundariestoallowtheuniqueTalent is a multiplier in this formula. The greater the styles of different people to exist if they producelevel of talent on your team, the greater your success results. Great leaders are clear that expectationscan be. It is the most important part of the formula; like objectives, goals, budgets, quotas, etc., mustthus, it is the multiplier.be met by everyone on the team. The leader must have systems of accountability in place for all teamRelationship +members to be sure it gets done. Accountability is an art form for a leader. Often, it can look unfairIt is not an accident that Relationship is listed first to some people. But great leaders realize that oneamong the other three elements. The workplace is a size does not fit all and they can get more out ofpeople place. People come in all types, and they all their team if they allow for individual flexibility, ifwant a respectful relationship with their bosses and all team members are respected and performancepeers.LeaderswhouseIndividualizedPerception expectations achieved. These leaders enjoy dealingand form quality relationships with each member of with the quirks of talented people while not lettingtheir team based on the needs of each individual will them get away with not doing what is expected ofbuild strong loyalty and get more out of their team.them. One of the most useful lessons that I learned atExpectation +myveryfirstTalentFocusedManagementpro- Thisisaccountabilityshowingup.Talentedteam gram was the Management Formula. Today it hasmembers want to know exactly what you expect of evolved to the Growth Formula. Both focus on thethem in their jobs and for the organization overall. leaders responsibility to identify talent and thenBuilding good relationships with team members cre-invest in ways that will inspire team members toates trust, which allows a leader to clearly commu-achieve their full potential.nicate expectations and discuss any obstacles that 96 Talent Development in Real Life'