b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYTalent Analyst TeamThe Center for Sales StrategyPositive Feedback Examples (And a Few Negative Ones, Too)I magine this scenario: Youre managing a seller whoMost of us can agree that Option 1 is likely to feel is excellent at developing close relationships withbetter for both the manager and the seller, but will their clients, but youve noticed theyve been run- using this style of positive feedback lead to more on-ning late to several prospecting meetings in recenttime meetings? weeks. You want them to be on time for their meet-ings and are preparing to give them feedback on thisThe answer? Yes, absolutely.issue. Which style of feedback do you think would motivateThe Power of Positive Feedbackthem to be more punctual?The research on feedback is compellingstudies Option 1: You are so good at connecting; I bet youshow that people who regularly receive feedback on could utilize the 5-10 minutes before your meetingtheir strengths sell 11% more than those who do not. starts to get to know your clients on a more personalIn fact, not coaching to someones strengths can be level. What do you think? quite harmful to their performance. In a 2014 study, Option 2: Dont be late for meetings; its unprofes- researchers found that a persons fight or flight re-sional.sponse is activated when receiving critical feedback, 112 Positive Feedback Examples (And a Few Negative Ones, Too)'