b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYKate RehlingTalent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy5 Secrets to Selection C andidates are in and out of1. Talents Are Innate inthecompany,tojoinyourin-the job market quickly, par- terview.Eachpersonyouinvite ticularlythosewithsuper- Startwithavalidatedtalentas- to the interview will likely have a startalent.Ifyouveadoptedasessment to help you distinguishdifferent takeaway. One may com-were always hiring mentality totop performers from the rest. Inment on the candidates outgoing help you build and fill your talentan interview, it can be easy to takeand persuasive personality, while bank, youre likely conducting in- off your sunglasses and be blind- another may feel the candidates terviews more frequently.ed by a candidates impressive re- personalitywastoopushyand sumeorcaptivatingpersonality.overbearing. Diverse opinions will According to LinkedIn, 83% of tal- Unlike skills (which can be taught)help you make an educated hiring entsayanegativeinterviewex- and experience (which occurs overdecision.periencecanchangetheirmindtime), talents are innate.Itsimportanttorememberthat aboutaroleorcompanytheyIfyourcandidatedoesnthaveaddingadditionalpeoplearound onceliked.Selectionisatwo- talents that align with your openthe interview table may add addi-waystreet.Youreinterviewingposition,itstimetosaygood- tional pressure to the candidate. thecandidate,andatthesamebye. Ideally, ask the candidate toYourcandidateexperiencemay time,thecandidateisinterview- take the talent assessment beforenot be as genuine if the candidate ing your company. Its importantmeetingwiththem.Youllavoidisnervousanduncomfortable. to maximize your opportunity tobeingblindedandsaveyourself,Considermovingyourinterview interview candidates, while givingand the candidate, precious time. toanon-traditionalsettingthat them a solid understanding of theinvites conversationsuch as a jobroleandyourcompanycul- 2. Great Minds Thinkrestaurant or coffee shop. If you ture.Differently arent able to host an in-person in-terview, find a space in your build-Easiersaidthandone!DonttryDiversity of thought is extremelying that conveys a relaxing setting. to tackle it on your own. Instead,beneficialthroughoutthework- Take the time to silence notifica-utilize your resources to create aplace, so why exclude it from thetions and minimize distractions, so positiveinterviewprocessforallhiring process? Invite a small groupyou can give your candidate 100% parties involved.of people, from various roles with- focus.74 5 Secrets to Selection'