b'4. Post the Job on Social Media Postjobsoncompanypagesand Naturally,postingtheroleonsocials,groups that allow job postings.using proper hash-tagging on the postsMake sure you do not spam post on such as #hiring, and ensuring that thegroups that do not allow this behav-interested candidate has a clear path toior; respect the TOS of the site and connect with you.the group.LinkedIn has a #hiring badge that canSearch for passive candidates.be added to a profile, and that badgePersonalizeyoursearch.Makea automatically creates a free job post. personal ask to a superstar in your Thisisagreatwayforyournetworknetwork who might be able to refer (and your networks, network) to knowsomeone to you (or maybe they are you are hiring.looking).Tips when promoting roles on social: Ensure your company page is current KeepupwithyourGlassdoorre- and reflects your culture.views: this can hurt your chances ifMake it easy to apply.you dont manage this profile.Engage with your network for poten-Engage your audience, tag coworkers,tial referrals.and ask them to share the role as well.Keep the contact information of the Make it easy for candidates to apply.recruiter easy to find, and be open to Promptlyreplytocandidates;itconnect.isaprofessionalcourtesy,andBepreparedtoupgradeyoursub-inthistightmarket,abrandandscription to leverage the full benefit game-changer.of LinkedIn recruiting.Always look for top candidates whoRespond promptly and professional-may not be seeking a job. Reach outly to every candidate.and ask them if they know anyone. Chances are they MIGHT be looking.Every brand needs a social media strat-I love to call this the strategic talentegy, and a recruitment strategy is a part swipe.Recruitingtoptalentmayof that overall plan. Its vital to ensure mean that person is not an activethat your recruitment strategy is aligned job seeker.with your sales and marketing strategy.Promoteyourcorporateculture.One of the biggest challenges that many Quality of work and life is at the fore- brandsfaceisanincongruentexperi-front of conversations in every cor- ence from the brand promise and the ner office. Diversity is just as criticaljob seekers experience. Take the time to creating a workforce that is rich into integrate a social recruiting strategy talent, diversity, and engagement. into your companys social media strat-egy.Worktogetherandconsiderthe Recruiting Talent onbrand experience. LinkedIn Since LinkedIn is a professional network, we will focus our communication on this platform. 44 A Social Media Strategy for Recruitment'