b'Managers need to be clear on employee preferenc- and involved.es and ensure they provide the additional touch- Have all employees join virtual meetings virtual-points that some will need. ly. Even if some people are in the office, dont Growth Guides are always important, but this is agather them in a conference room and have re-great time to make sure theyre all updated. Wedmote workers dial-in. Have everyone dial in the also recommend more frequent one-on-ones, teamsame way to improve collaboration.meetings that are designed for strong interaction,Be very intentional about how you build compa-andliveinteractionsthatareintentionalandfo- ny culture. Dont leave anything to chance! Know cused on culture. how engaged your people are and exactly what needs to be done to improve that.Hybrid Workforce Change is Inevitable; Are You If youre moving to a hybrid model, we recommendPrepared?best practices like:The pandemic fueled a workplace transformation. Treat remote work and in-office work as equallyWhile some organizations have returned to physi-important/valid. Its helpful if you have examplescal locations and others will be transitioning back, of senior leaders working remotely. thereareplentyofsignsindicatingthatremote Focus on the remote experience first. Commu- work and hybrid work could become permanent for nication, project management, people develop- many companies.ment, etc.make sure theyre ideal for thoseWhile theres still a lot of uncertainty about whats that will be remote before considering the in-of- to come, theres one thing we can count on: chang-fice experience. es are going to keep coming. Are you properly pre-Ensurethatyouhaveaplatformforeffectivepared?work so that everyone can feel equally informed Changes are going to keep coming. Are you properly prepared? Back in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid WorkplaceTips on Making It Work 141'