b' for great People want to workcompanies.Beintentionalabout your company brand andhow you displayit to the workforce.RecruitmentwillcontinuetobeabuyersAccordingtoTheUndercoverRecruiter, market in 2022. Without a strong talent bank,the best candidates are in and out of the its easy to fall victim to lowering your hiring stan- job market within 10 days. They prefer an ef-dards to fill positions. Attracting and maintainingficient, collaborative, and positive hiring process. a talent bank involves your company culture, nowPromoting your employer brand, optimizing job more than ever. People want to work for greatdescriptions, automating resume screening, im-companies.Beintentionalaboutyourcompanyproving interviews, and personalizing the hiring brand and how you display it to the workforce. process can have a positive impact on hiring and Duringthepastsevenyears,leadershaveretaining quality candidates.foundtopperformingsalespeoplethroughBefore advertising an opening, make sure referralsmorethananyotherrecruitingtoanalyzeanddetermineexactlywhat method.Whenitcomestosalesmanagers,yourelookingforinacandidate.Identify watching for leadership talents within your orga-nization is always a good idea. Internal hiring topsspecific behaviors, rather than solely experience the list as the most common way our clients findor education. Utilize your network by proactively superstars. reaching out to find candidates, and make sure Makingtimeforrecruitmenteveryweekto use a validated talent assessment to under-is key to filling your talent bank. Set a goalstand a candidates innate abilities.for monthly talent bank deposits and stick to it!Social media is an invaluable tool for active Beyond referrals, videos and creative ads can beand passive recruiting. Take the time to inte-an effective way to attract talent. Managers aregrate a social recruiting strategy into your com-also using LinkedIn, job fairs, and email market- panys social media strategy. Work together and ing to reach a larger audience. consider the brand experience.TheimportanceofDiversity,Equity,In- Theearlieryouconductyourcandidates clusion, and Belonging (DEIB)is evident intalentassessment,thebetter!Thissaves nearlyall2022recruitmentstrategies.Theyoualotofvaluabletimebyseparating goal is to improve diversity in recruitment sourc- the highly talented from the rest. Even if a es,whilekeepingtheconvictiontorecruittop talent and hire the BEST candidate for the job.candidate isnt the right fit for your job, consid-Commit to greatly increasing your talent pool ander sending them their Top Talent Report to give trust that over time, you will stock your organiza- them insight on their strengths and potentially tion with great, and increasingly diverse, talent.lead them in the right employment direction. Recruitment Takeaways 51'