b'Seasoned employees are more likely to choose a hybrid model, while newer employees (1-3 years) prefer fully remote, work-from-anywhere optionspressing tasks on their plate and fail to focus onment.Whilethelargestgroupofrespondents culture, they suffer two consequences. First, andprefer hybrid, almost 1 in 5 want to work from most obviously, they fail to elevate engagement.an office and 1 in 4 wants to be fully remote ButtheyalsosendadisappointingmessagetoCompanies will find that the work model they se-those who responded to the survey. The lack oflect will be a key feature to attract job candidates. action or positive change tells employees that their voices were not heard or did not matter, and trustMeetingsis lost. AccordingtoStanfordUniversityresearchers, Our data shows that 57% of those who partic- Zoom fatigue is real. Regardless of which video ipatedintheircompanyengagementsurveysconferencing platform one is using, they discov-saw positive action taken as a result. While it isered four reasons why most people are more de-good that more than half of those surveyed be- pleted after a shared-screen meeting than a live lieve their voices were heard and action was tak- meeting.Theypointtoexcessiveclose-upeye en, there is still a significant population who feelscontact, the fatigue caused by seeing your reflec-otherwise.tion for long periods of time, the lack of normal body movement which stimulates the brain, and Office, Remote, or Hybrid? the higher cognitive load that is necessary to read While many offices, once off limits to employees,non-verbal signals. have now re-opened their doors, 73% of our re- This survey reveals that 3 out of 4 meetings (in-spondents are still not working from the officeternalandexternal)happenvirtually.Howis What will the future look like? More than half ofthisaffectingthosesurveyed?Manyfeelmore those surveyed expect remote work to drop offdepleted as a result. While 20% of respondents moving forward, but only 1 in 4 projects a full- leave virtual meetings feeling most energized be-time return to the officecause of the increased level of efficiency it pro-Most believe some form of hybrid model willvides, the majority surveyed gain a greater ener-become the norm for their company.gy boost from meetings that happen in-person, often finding that a heavy load of screen shares The data also shows that longevity with the com- can lead to feeling drained or even lonely. pany makes a difference when it comes to workAt Up Your Culture, we have learned that shared-locationpreference.Seasonedemployeesarescreenmeetingsmustbefacilitateddifferently. morelikelytochooseahybridmodel,whileWhen the meeting agenda, length, and format is neweremployees(1-3years)preferfullyre- highly interactive and intentionally designed for mote, work-from-anywhere optionsa virtual meeting, it can be significantly more en-Thiswillsignificantlyimpactcompanyrecruit- ergizing.130 Engage 2022: Our Biggest Takeaways From the Company Culture Report'