b'The Four Engagementthat they can easily share with others Elevators Core Values set the bar for how employees treat Wehavestudiedthemosthighlyengagedcom- each other, share information, work together, com-plete their work, and communicate. 43% of those paniesandidentifiedthestandoutfactorstheysurveyed are aware their company has Core Val-share. At Up Your Culture, we call these four keyues, but less than half of that small group can differentiators the Four Engagement Elevators be- recite them. That leaves over 57% of employees cause when organizations apply consistent focus inwho are unaware of their companys Core Val-each of these areas, they can lift engagement. ues, or worse, work for companies that havent identified Core Values.1. Shared MissionAcompanysVisiontellsemployeeswherethey The first of the four Engagement Elevators, Sharedsee the company at a given time in the future. It Mission, gives employees a clear sense of whereprovidesaroadmaptowheretheyareheading theyre going as a company and why theyre work- and clarifies what they plan to accomplish, leaving ing so hard to get there. A strong Shared Missionnothing open to interpretation. has three components: Reason for Being, Core Val- 36% of those surveyed are either not motivat-ues, and Vision. ed by their companys vision, or report that they The Reason for Being, sometimes called a Purposedont even know what that vision is.Statement, explains why employees do the work they do and why the team exists. It often serves as2. People Developmenttheir north star, guiding, inspiring, and rallying cus- The second Engagement Elevator is People Devel-tomers and employees alike to join a cause greateropment. Key components of People Development than themselves. This survey reveals that 2 out ofinclude strength coaching, setting clear expecta-3 people work for a company that either doesnttions, and providing effective feedback. have a Reason for Being or they dont know what it is, and only 31% have a clear Reason for BeingWhenamanagerunderstandstheiremployees In a time whereworkplace structure is continually evolving,company culture andemployee engagement aremore importantthan ever. Engage 2022: Our Biggest Takeaways From the Company Culture Report 131'