b'T O P10 1.Companies will continue to get better at providing learning and development in the remote or hybrid work world.Instructor-led and face-to-face classroom models of learning will become less of the gold standard, Top 10and they will continue to explore all the ways they can provide mo-bile, multimedia, and just-in-time training.Development2.Employees will resist being managed, instead wanting to Trends be coached. Because they will crave feedback and opportunities for growth, people leaders will need additional training and sup-port to deliver effective feedback and strength coaching.3.Record numbers of baby boomers are retiring early and by 2025, it is estimated that millennials will make up 75% of the workforce (Deloitte).As more millennials joinThe generational makeup of the workforce, theythe workforce is rapidly chang-ing, which means employee will raise employeepreferences and priorities will drastically change as well. The expectations for trainingyounger generations value career advancement, purpose, and com-and skill development. pensation, over job stability and flexibility so the ways in which we motivate our employees will need to be tailor fit.4.As more millennials join the workforce, they will raise em-84 Top 10 Development Trends'