b'Whatthreecharactertraits would your friends use to de-scribe you?Howdoyoutakeadvantage of your strengths?How do you compensate for your weaknesses?What would you want to be sure to do your first 90 days on the job?What is the one accomplish-ment youre most proud of? Why?Wheredoyouseeyourca-reer five years from now?In what kind of environment do you do your best work?Whatwouldmakeyoulove comingtoworkhereevery day?Whenhaveyoufailed?De-scribewhathappenedand what you learned from it.Whatisyourgreatestfear about this opportunity?Thesearejustafewexamples. Therearemanyotherfitques-tionsyoumightconsiderthat would help you determine if the candidateisrightfortheroleHave your candidate complete youarefilling,butthislistisa good place to start. a validated talent assessment Basedonwhatyoulearnedinspecific to the role you are filling thecandidatestalentassess- before you meet with them.ment, you may also want to ask additionalinterviewquestions tobetterunderstandspecific talents.Ifthecandidatehasawell. This will give you a betterassessmentthenpreparingef-weakness,asituationaltalentidea of what this talent looks likefectiveinterviewquestionswill or one that doesnt show up inin real-life situations.allow you to make smarter hires every situation, or a very intenseand reduce turnover.talent,youshouldaskafewImprovingthisstepinyourse-questionsrelatedtotheseaslection process by using a talentUnderstanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview Questions 73'