b' What gets measured gets done.Assess engagementthrough a culture and engagement survey toidentifyand targetareas of opportunity.Thecultureofyourcompanyispowerful,involved,regardlessofwhetherornotyoure and you will have one whether you like it orworking in a traditional setting.not. Company culture has a direct impact on em- Satisfaction and engagement are two very ployee engagement. The most highly engageddifferentterms. Satisfied employees are pri-companies share four standout factors. We call these the Four Engagement Elevators becausemarily focused on what they get, while engaged when organizations consistently focus on them,employees are primarily focused on what they they can lift engagement. The Four Engage- cangivetotheorganization.Engagementis ment Elevators are Shared Mission, People De- what anchors a person to their job.velopment, Valued Voice, and Earned Trust.What gets measured, gets done Assess en-SharedMissiongivesemployeesasensegagementthroughacultureandengagement of where theyre going as a company andsurvey to identify and target areas of opportuni-why theyre doing the work they do. Peo- ty. It will offer a window into performance, de-ple development focuses on strength coaching,velopment, and retention.setting clear expectations, and providing effec- A lack of employee engagement can pre-tive feedback. Valued Voice encourages strong,vent a highly talented employee from fully two-way communication where everyone feelsactivating their talents and reaching their comfortablesharingtheiropinionsandideas.potential. Employees who are engaged outper-Earned Trust promotes transparency, giving em- form non-engaged and actively disengaged em-ployeesconfidenceincompanydecisionsand faith in the integrity of their leaders. ployees by 21% on overall profitability.PositiveleadershipimprovesandgrowsBegin elevating employee engagement by your business, but it also acts as a magnettakingsimplesteps.Maketimetolistento and attracts great people to it. Focusing oneach person you manage, uncover what success solutions and controlling what you can controllooks like for them, consider what specific be-will have a large impact on the culture you createhaviors would improve their performance, and at your company, leading to higher engagement. celebrate these behaviors when you see them.The workplace model is continually chang- Highly engaged employees are such a valu-ing as employers choose to move back toable resource, but they are still at risk for theoffice,remainremote,orblendintoburnout. Be sure to provide the right set of re-a hybrid model. Its important to ensure yousources, with a reasonable workload expectation, haveaplatformforeffectivecommunicationto prevent engaged employees from being put in where everyone can feel equally informed andpositions where they cant achieve success. Engagement Takeaways 153'