b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYMatt SunshineManaging Partner The Center for Sales StrategyLeadership Development Developing Managers Into LeadersP romotingsomeonetoasomewhat.ThinkofmanagerThe Secret tomanager doesnt make themonly as a position and leader as a leader. Leadershipa series of desired traits. DevelopmentWhilemanagershavepower,Whenyouhaveapositionof theytoooftenlacktheskillstopowerinacompany,theoddsWhen trying to get strong leaders use that power effectively. Whatare good you can promote morein your company, you must lever-you want is a strong sales leader,age talent, making sure the right but how do you get there? or less anyone to manager (or bepeoplegetintotherightroles. involvedindoingso).WhatyouIn short, not everyone is fit for a That question is why weve writ- cant do is wave your hand andleadership role.tenthisguidetopeopleman- make them a good leader.agementandleadershipdevel- Its a mistake to assume every ex-opment.WellreviewthecoreA leader, in this context, is some- perienced member of a company differencebetweenamanageronefitforamanagementrole,shouldbepromoted,positions andatrueleaderandhowtoable to guide those under thempermitting,duetothatsenior-train managers to get there. towardssuccess,andwhoplaysity.Managementisadifferent an integral part on the team. ballgameandnoteveryoneis equipped to lead.How Is a ManagerIts important to understand this Well talk more about the traits of Different From adifferentiationasyouonlyhavea great leader later but, for now, so many leadership roles in your Leader? company. If you fill them with theunderstandthatyouwantthe strongest base candidate you can If you want a manager to becomewrong people, or fail to developfind. Some candidates are natu-a strong leader, you must first sep- the right people, youre shootingrallybetterleadersthanothers, arate the two ideas in your mindyourself in the foot. for one reason or another.114 Leadership Development Developing Managers Into Leaders'