b'Mindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy7-Year Sales Superstar StudyW hile we learned a lot from this years Sales Superstar Study, one thing stood out to us right away. Our clients are recruiting and hiring a lot more than they did in the last two years. At the same time, there is a war for talent, and it is becoming increasingly challenging to find top performers. Sales Superstar Study Details Top five ways our clients found EachyeartheTalentTeamconductsastudytosuperstar salespeople in 2021:betterunderstandhowourclientsarefinding1.Referralssales superstars. We ask leaders if they hired top2.LinkedInperformers and how they found them. Our goal is to identify recruitment trends and uncover the most3Corporate Recruitercommon ways managers are finding superstars. 4Job Boards (Indeed, ZipRecruiter, etc.)We are revealing the data in different ways this year.5Internal HiresWell look at 2021 recruitment examples, data fromTrend:Duringthepastsevenyears,leadershave the past seven years, and the most common waysfound top performing salespeople through referrals our clients are finding superstar sales leaders. more than any other recruiting method. More than 30% of superstar sellers were found through referrals. The biggest takeaways this year: Top referral sources:Creating a recruitment strategy and recruiting inCurrent Sellersdifferent ways is more important than everReferrals and LinkedIn top the list once again forCurrent Managers the most common ways to find superstars ClientsWatchingforleadershiptalentswithinyourFriendsorganization is a good idea. Internal Hiring topsFormer EmployeesthelistasthemostcommonwayourclientsTrend:Leadersareusingsocialmediamore found superstar sales managersfrequently to recruit talent. Glassdoor states that Its smart to make time for recruitment each week79 percent of job seekers use social media when andschedulerecurringcalendarremindersforconducting their job search. Using social media to yourself to focus on specific activities that will helprecruit will help you cast your net far and wide and you build a large Talent Bank. Decide who will ownreach more people.recruitment.Itcouldbeoneindividual,multipleTrend: For the past two years, Corporate Recruiters people, or the entire leadership team.have been in the top five. Leaders are benefiting 24 7-Year Sales Superstar Study'