b' talents into strengths Developingtakes consistent, tailoredcoaching.Talents can only get someone so far. Devel- Establish strong, tailored priority coaching oping talents into strengths takes consistent, tai- strategiesforeveryemployeeandincor-lored coaching. Growing an individual can lead toporate these into their development plans as much as a 300% return on investment. These priority coaching strategies should derive Use the Top Talent Report to develop yourfrom a mixture of their talent needs and their people! It gives them a clear insight into theirpersonal wants.unique strengths, along with strategies theyTechnologyincorporationwillcontinue can use to maximize their talents. Top Talenttoincreaseintrainingprograms,andits Reports can also be used collaborativelyhaveimportanttoensureyoureeffectivelyre-teammembersbringthemtoameetingandtaining the attention of your learners. Sug-spend time reviewing talents and creating strate- gestedtechniquesincludechunkingtraining gies to leverage your team as a whole. into small, digestible pieces, increasing training TheCSSGrowthGuidecanbeusedwithfrequency, providing opportunities for peer-to-both new and existing employees. When tal- peer learning, and leaving time for practical ap-ented team members know you care about theirplication beyond the training setting.individual needs, they will give you permission toAbide by the platinum rule: treat people the drive their success. Remember our Growth For- way they want to be treated. This means un-mula: (Talent + Fit) X Investment = Growth. derstanding what their natural abilities are and Talentdevelopmentinvolvessettingclearwhat they need from you to be successful. Youll expectations for what success looks like anduse less energy, achieve greater results, and in-takingthetimetoholdeveryoneaccount- crease productivity.able for doing their part. Its key to know whenStudies show that regular feedback leads to to slow down and recognize people for their suc- higher job performance. Feedback strategies cesses to help maintain engagement. includebeingspecificabouttheobservedbe-Onboardinganewemployeeconsistsofhavior and keeping things conversational. Take three phases: Pre-boarding, Orientation, andcare to maintain a 5:1 feedback ratiofive posi-Onboarding. It starts the moment the candidatetives to every one criticism. signs the offer letter and continues through theManager is a position, but leader is a series first 90 days of employment. In todays compet- of desired traits that are a fit for the man-itive job market, a positive pre-boarding experi- agement role. Great leaders have a strong vi-ence can be the difference between a candidatesion, the flexibility to adapt to change, and the staying committed to your team and a candidateability to connect with other employees. Invest-continuing to look elsewhere. ing time in your leaders pays dividends. Development Takeaways 119'