b'ligence to take in a lot of infor- Agoodleadershipcandidatemore autonomous workplace en-mationandthewillingnesstowants to grow into the best em- vironment.Agoodmanagercan processthatinformationinaployee they can be. Even betterdramatically improve your opera-meaningful way. is if they encourage others in thetions if given the right training and company to do the same. the tools to do their job.Keepinmind,however,thatan employeecanonlyusewhatin- One element that is essential forIMPACT is both a training curric-formation they have. Dont expectastrongleaderistheabilitytoulum and an ongoing guidebook aleadershipcandidatetohaveconnect with other employees. Iffor sales leaders at all levels of ex-some grand plan if theyre nevera person cannot connect to oth- perienceto ensure they make given any useful data or you com- ers or, worse, is rude or disinter- the right People decisions, follow partmentalize your operations. ested in them, it will be difficultthe best Processes, and engage to earn their respect. ineffectivePlanningtodeliver AstrongleaderisalsoabletoTop Performanceadapttochange.Onebigplace this rears its head in business isTraining Managers IfyouhaventexploredourIM-with technology. For one reasonto Lead PACTSalesLeadershipSystem, or another, many employees re- now is the time.fuse (openly or subconsciously) toGoodleadershipdevelopmentis learn how to use new software. critical to creating a more efficient,Leadership DevelopmentDeveloping Managers Into Leaders117'