b'RECRUITMENT C A S E S T U DY: John HenleyManaging Partner The Center for Sales StrategyHow Do You Get From A-Z with DEIB?N early every client we are working with is veryWhat are some of the main things you focused on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Be- havedonetoincreasethediversityof longing (DEIB) and nearly every one of them isyour candidate pool?having a hard time making the progress they desire. We are now more focused on internal referrals You may be more familiar with DEI, so just a word(providing an incentive). We have interviewed a on why I am adding the B. While it is important todeeper candidate set with the use of Zoom (es-have a diverse workforce, ensuring equity for all,pecially in the COVID era) and we have practiced while including all voices, it is also essential to cre- an always-be-recruiting mindset. ate a culture of belonging so employees can thrive while being their authentic selves at work.Weve moved from passive recruiting to active recruiting.Inthepastwewouldrelyonlyon Every client I work with has a sincere interest in DEIBthose who applied for the role via the website. and a clear understanding that it is essential to be outOver the past few years, weve asked for and re-front on this as an organization. So the question be- lied upon recommendations from the team and, comes how do you get from A-Z, from where you arealso active outreach via LinkedIn. We have found now to where you want to be? I believe one essentialthat because weve really taken the time to build step is to greatly improve the diversity of your recruit- a good culture, its easy to ask the team for refer-ment sources, while not losing your conviction to re- rals when a position becomes available. By doing cruit top talent and hire the BEST candidate for the job. this, weve been able to build a very diverse can-Thats the big idea. Now lets go a little deeper. Thedidate pool that is reflective of the market.information that follows comes from a Fortune 1000We have looked for those involved in clubs fo-company with more than 50 markets. This compa- cused on diversity within the university setting. ny has strong conviction that they need to improveEvery manager on our team knows its a focus when it comes to DEIB, and I had a chance to learntoensurewehavediversebackgroundsand more from four leaders who have made impressivethoughts on our team to strengthen our ability progress. Heres what those leaders are doing. to grow our clients business.30 How Do You Get From A-Z with DEIB?'