b'Selection is atwo-way street.Youre interviewing the candidate, and atthe same time,the candidate is interviewing your company.3. Audition for the4. Prepare a Project If youve ever left a red sock in your load of white laundry, you know Role Providingyourcandidatewithathe impact one item can have on Its hard to fully understand some- project is another way to gathereverythingaroundit.Keepthis ones fit for the role if they dontan accurate measurement of theiranalogyinmindwhenthinking skills. Prepare them for the projectaboutyourcandidateandhow properlyauditionforthepart.by specifying an outline, your ex- they may fit in with your compa-One of the most effective ways topectations, and a deadline. It mayny culture. Every person you hire understand a candidates fit is toalso be helpful to let them knowis either going to add to your cul-observe them in a day in the lifethe approximate amount of time itture or detract from it. The more of their prospective position. should take to complete the proj- thorough your interview process, Invite your candidate to spend aect. the better the opportunity to un-day in the office working in yourWhen they present or submit theirderstand the type of impact your actualenvironment.Besuretoproject, devote time to evaluatingcandidate will have.plan their day out well in advanceit.AskyourselfiftheyfinishedA new hire is a big commitment to and share how you plan to com- on time, followed the rules, usedyour team, and a new job is a big pensate them for their time. Max- wellthought-outresearch,andcommitmentforyourcandidate. imize this opportunity by includingshowed creativity. What you see,Whenwethinkofinterviewing a time for them to connect themyour clients will see. If you noticeand selection, keep in mind that withoneortwoofthepeoplehaphazard organization and poorittravelsbothdirections.Identi-they will work closely with everyquality,thiswilllikelyextendtofy which interview methods work day.Theseteammemberswillyour clientele.best for your team and for your have additional insight for you andcandidates,soyoucanfindthe 5. Circle Back toright fit! will likely appreciate your inclusivi-ty during the hiring process. Culture 5 Secrets to Selection75'