b'3.FocusonSolutionsIn- 5.StayPositiveandDoness.Theywerenolongerlet-stead of Complaints the Work ting negativity affect them. They WhenthingsarenotgoingwellItmaysoundclich,butitsawereaffectingtheircompany and you are being bombarded withhugekeytosuccess.Throughwithpositivity,andEvansaidit negativity, its easy to complain. Butchallenges,adversityandnega- had the added benefit of recruit-great leaders dont complain. Theytivity you must simply stay posi- inggreatpeopletocomework focus on solutions. If you are com- tive and continue to do the work.for the company. Turns out pos-plaining, you are not leading. If youYoucontrolwhatyoucontrol.itive leadership doesnt just help are leading you arent complaining.Tuneoutthenoise.Focusonyou improve and grow your busi-Instead of focusing on where yousolutions. Work hard every day.ness. It also attracts great people are, think about where you want toEmbrace change, work togetherto it. go and what you want to create. In- asateam,andcreatepositiveHow to Become a stead of complaining about whatschange from the inside out. Over holding you back, think about solu- time performance improves, thePositive Leadertions that will propel you forward.numbers rise, confidence grows,Manythinkpositivityisasoft people feel and see the change,skill. They act like its a nice way 4. Embrace Change and then everyone starts talkingto lead, but Ive learned over the Theres a myth that people dontaboutwhyyouaresucceedingyears it is the way to lead if you like change. We actually like whatinstead of failing.want hard results. If you are in-changeproduces.Wejustdontterested in learning more skills to like the messy transition requiredDo These Ideasbetter lead your team, check out tocreatethechange.Individu- Work?ourPositiveLeadershipPublic alsandorganizationsthatthriveWell,whenIinterviewedEvanTraining Events and Onsite Work-embracetheentireprocessofSpiegel on my Positive Universi- shops for your leaders. Our next transitionandchangeknowingitty Podcast and asked him aboutpublictrainingisSeptember27 leads to improvement and growth.the importance of positivity, hein Atlanta, GA. You can also sign Throughouthistoryweseethatsaidithadabigimpact.Ifyouupforourfreeseven-dayPosi-individuals and organizations thatfollowed Snap over the last fewtive Leadership Challenge online embrace the waves of change rideyears,youcantellfromtheirwhere Ill share seven actions you it to a successful future. Those whogrowth that they stayed positive,can take to be a positive leader resist the wave get crushed by it.worked together as a leadershipwho creates positive results. Im Leadership is a transfer of belief, soteam, and improved their busi- passionateabouthelpingmore its essential that a leadershipleaders lead this way so we can team shares their positiveimpact teams, organizations, belief about change withandthe e v e r y - world. onein theor-ganiza-tion.5 Ways to Create Positive Change 139'