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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

6 Top Apps for Salespeople


Although in some ways technology has made salespeople’s jobs harder (think email auto-filing), in many ways it’s also made work easier. This list of the top six apps we recommend for salespeople definitely falls into that second category. We not only recommend these apps,  we also use them ourselves.

  1. Charlie — Charlie is like your own personal assistant. The app helps you to keep your schedule on track and prepare for meetings by combing through hundreds of sources and automatically sending you a one‐pager on everyone you’re planning to meet with.

  2. Cloze — Cloze puts your relationship management, inbox, and contacts all in one app. It automatically keeps track of your email, phone calls, meetings, documents, Evernote, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as information from dozens of other services.

  3. Evernote — Evernote has been around for awhile, but it keeps getting more powerful and can now integrate with myriad other platforms. With Evernote, you can write, collect, discuss, and present, all from one place.

  4. CamCard — If networking is even a small part of your prospecting strategy, you collect dozens, if not hundreds, of business cards. Organize them with CamCard, which allows you to scan, manage, sync, and exchange cards easily.

  5. TripIt — For salespeople who travel, keeping track of itineraries can be cumbersome. TripIt gives you a master itinerary for every trip with all your travel plans in one place, from flight information to rental car to hotel bookings.

  6. Feedly — Collect all your favorite blogs and websites in one place and read new posts and articles as they publish. You can get Feedly on your computer or on your smartphone, so you’ll have access to all your professional development and industry publications on the go.

With these apps, you can turn your smartphone into an amazing productivity tool. There are lots of other great ones out there—we’d love for you to share some of your own favorites in the comments!

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