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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Onboarding New Sales Hires with the Help of Talent Assessments

Onboarding New Sales Hires with the Help of Talent Assessments

You have found the perfect candidate with the right blend of talents, skills, and experience. You have reviewed their assessment with a talent analyst and know what to expect.

It’s time to have them hired and jumping right in, right?

Not so fast. Now it’s the time to take those talents and create an onboarding plan customized to your new hire.

Topics: sales talent assessment new employee onboarding

Beyond Orientation: Strategies for Continuous Support in the Early Days

Beyond Orientation

Congratulations! You’ve just made an amazing new hire with talent, experience, and skills who aligns well with you, your team, and your organizational culture.

With all that in place, it’s safe to assume that all will be smooth sailing toward a future of success, right? Unfortunately, things don’t always turn out as we assume.

Nearly a third of new employees leave within 90 days of getting hired.

However according to a Gallup report, employees with a positive onboarding experience are almost three times as likely to feel prepared and supported in their role.

Topics: new employee onboarding

How to Win Over New Employees in Their First 30 Days

How to Win Over New Employees in Their First 30 days.

Your next hire is important! Right?

It’s probably one of the top reasons managers tell me their job is hard. Finding talented people is difficult, and once you find them, hiring them and getting them onboarded is time-consuming and stressful.

You have a lot to do, but investing time and energy in a few important onboarding disciplines can give you and your new hire a better chance for success.

Topics: onboarding new employee onboarding

The 3 Phases of Onboarding

The 3 Phases of Onboarding

The war for talent is particularly brutal right now, so once you find and hire the right person, you might be tempted to pat yourself on the back and relax.

Unfortunately, while you may have won a single battle, the war is still on. It's vital to plan out your strategy and then apply it.

How? By creating a strong onboarding plan that impresses your new hire and sets them on the path to being a top performer. Let’s discuss the 3 phases of our battle plan.

Topics: onboarding new employee onboarding

The Ultimate Guide to New Employee Onboarding

onboarding guide

If new employee onboarding procedures are insufficient, it can take up to 12 months for new hires to reach max productivity. In a world where employees don't stay at jobs for the entire duration of their career, this is horrific.

New employee onboarding has always been an issue. There are always holes in an onboarding process, and some companies seem better at it than others. Throwing new hires in and expecting them to swim no longer works.

This is especially true in our new hybrid working world. New employees are required to coexist in a virtual and real world, and be able to seamlessly toggle between the two.

To counteract these struggles, it's important to stick to a consistent employee onboarding checklist. To help you do that, we've assembled steps that will consolidate your processes and make new employees feel informed, safe, and ready to start being productive!

Topics: onboarding new employee onboarding