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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Growth Mindset: Why Sales Managers Should Prioritize Business Development

Why Sales Managers Should Prioritize Business Development

As a sales manager, you are faced with competing priorities and objectives that you would like to emphasize with your team.

Successful sales managers are aware that business development is a key ingredient to account and organizational growth and should prioritize it with their account executives. There are some key factors on why you should make business development front and center, and then there is the how. Let’s take a look at both.

Topics: business development growth mindset

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

How to Develop a Leadership Mindset to Control Success

Leaders today are facing an ever-increasing number of complex scenarios that demand their attention. In the fast-paced world of business, the conveyor belt of challenges never stops moving, and no two situations are ever the same. 

But for effective leaders, this is just another day at the office. They possess the ability to quickly assess the situation and give themselves the right instructions for success. They are skilled at thinking on their feet and making split-second decisions that can make all the difference. These instructions that they give themselves are the Mindset, and combined with their Talents, or natural abilities, they have become superheroes of the business world. 

As a leader, when you grasp and harness your Top Talents, coupled with the appropriate Mindset - which can change through continuous learning and growth - you are empowered to steer the situation towards success with ease.

Topics: Leadership growth mindset

Where We Can Innovate, We Can Grow.

Where We Can Innovate, We Can Grow.

If we think about the metaphor of flying a plane, we can all agree that there are some major headwinds tossing and shaking the plane around at the altitude of business right now. And yet, as Peter Drucker said, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is acting with yesterday’s logic.”

Often the best solution in severe turbulence is not to ground the plane or fly around in repetitive circles but instead shift the course to rise above it.

The word for 'crisis' in Japanese, 危機 (Kiki) is written with the words 'danger' and 'opportunity,' meaning that a crisis can be seen as a dangerous time but equally as a time for opportunity.

And this is certainly an unprecedented and historical time of opportunity for innovating, trying new things, thinking outside the box, and driving the growth of your organization.

Topics: sales talent growth mindset

Unlocking Success: The Power of a Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

The Power of a Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Success in any field is not only a matter of skills or talents but also of mindset. How we think about ourselves, our abilities, and our potential can profoundly impact our success in life.

Psychologist Carol Dweck identified two types of attitudes: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.

Those with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities are fixed and cannot be changed, while those with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.

This blog will explore the power of a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset and how it can impact your success in life, work, and beyond.

Topics: leadership development growth mindset

Learning Through Lived Experience- Quotes to Savor!

CSS Mindset

Things you can control around you are countable within the parameters of a single digit.

Did that line stress you out?

It's true, though. In a perfect world, you're in charge of every action that affects your life. However, the reality is strikingly different. So what is your contingency plan when things are not mirroring that vision board you have built so passionately?

Topics: Leadership growth mindset

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset in Sales

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset in Sales

Your answer to the classic 'sell me this pen' exercise shows whether you're trapped in a fixed mindset or excelling in a growth mindset. 

Everyone knows that you perform better after a year in sales than a day in sales. But, what about after five years? Do your skills keep leveling up, or do you slip into repetitive routines? 

Adopting the growth mindset in sales is the way to make sure every contact your team has is memorable, the orders start pouring in, and the customers keep coming back for more. If you want your team to exceed your highest targets in 2022, it's time to learn about the growth mindset now! 

Read on for true insight on how to crush your targets with a growth mindset.

Topics: growth mindset