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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Five Children's Books that will Help Improve Sales Performance

improving sales performanceIt's Pop Culture Week on The Center for Sales Strategy blog. This week, we are taking our sales strategy lessons from the pages of pop culture. Today, we're talking children's books...

Topics: Sales

Client Clues… Hiding in Plain Site

client cluesWe often say that "the client's needs provide fuel and focus to the entire sales process." What better way to gain an initial picture of those needs than through the prospect's website, advertising, or publicly-available corporate reports? Some of the best prep work you can do might be hiding in a commonly available website.

Topics: Sales

Challenging the Challenge [Sales Strategy]

identifying business challengesYou've done a great job in your first appointment with the client. You've exposed lots of areas where they'd like to see improvement. You've also eliminated areas of focus that aren't important. You've asked the client’s help in narrowing down which challenge or challenges they'd like your help with. And that challenge may sound something like this:

Topics: Needs Analysis Sales

The Most Important Post on Digital Advertising Metrics You’ll Read This Month

click through rateMarketers love digital because it’s measurable, but there seems to be a lot of unwarranted hype about the importance of the click-through-rate (CTR). While the CTR is one form of measurement, research tells us focusing solely on the CTR is an expensive mistake. Here’s why:

Topics: setting expectations Digital selling digital advertising

Location, Location, Location! [Digital Advertising Strategy]

mobile marketingWhen you look at emerging trends in the digital space right now, location-based marketing is rarely missing from the conversation. The discussion surrounding the effectiveness of local advertising, the power of social media and the growth of mobile add color to the conversation.

Topics: Social Media Digital selling digital advertising

They Said YES Before My Proposal [Sales Strategy]

investmentOur company’s reason for being is to help our clients turn talent into performance, and I spend most of my time making sure we have everything operating in such a way that we can delight customers. I don’t get to sell that often, but recently I found myself in conversations with a friend who runs his own business. After a few conversations and a meeting with a few key managers, I presented the owner with a pre-proposal and asked him to review it with his management team. 

Topics: Proposal sales strategy Sales