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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Sales Managers: How to Build a Sales Funnel That Fuels Growth

CSS Blog - Sales PipelineSales managers, let’s talk about the lifeblood of your team’s success—your sales funnel. If it’s weak, your sales will be inconsistent. If it’s strong, your team will have a steady stream of deals to close. Your job? Make sure it’s built for success. 

Here’s how you can strengthen your team’s funnel and keep revenue flowing.

Topics: sales leadership sales pipeline sales funnel

Sales Pipeline vs Sales Funnel: Do You Know the Difference?

Sales Pipeline vs Sales Funnel

Often, a sales funnel and sales pipeline are confused. 

They are not the same, and both have a distinct purpose along the path to purchase. They both provide an incredible amount of intelligence when examined in part and as a whole. 

Marketers and sales leaders that collaborate closely will learn that ensuring the sales funnel and pipeline are both full, healthy, and clean defines some of the biggest indicators of revenue success. 

Topics: sales pipeline sales funnel