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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Why Leaders Deserve Training and Development Too

cream arrows on green background with person icon holding a telescopeLeadership is a challenging yet vital role in any organization. Great leaders can drive a company to success, while ineffective ones can lead to its downfall. Unfortunately, many companies overlook the importance of training their leaders, expecting them to succeed with little to no preparation. If leadership is so critical, how can organizations ensure their leaders are set up for success? 

Topics: sales training sales leadership leadership development

Are You, as a Sales Manager, Consistent and Predictable?

Are You, as a Sales Manager, Consistent and Predictable

I often have conversations with sales managers who lament their teams' lack of accountability, implementation, and follow-through. They talk about struggling to get new initiatives or processes adopted consistently.

In these situations, my typical response is: "Let's talk about your weekly one-on-one meetings and how you use them to drive accountability."

One-on-one meetings between managers and their salespeople are critical for staying aligned, removing blockers, and driving performance. However, many managers fail to run these meetings effectively. Here is a proven guide to great one-on-one meetings that drive real accountability.

Topics: sales leadership

Breaking Down the 76% Barrier: Strategies for Transforming Sales Teams

Strategies for Transforming Sales Teams

Imagine for a moment that you are the sales leader for a national media company. Picture your sales team and imagine the following scenario….

Your team is made up of 100 percent sales superstars who knock it out of the park and raise the bar day after day, week after week, month after month. Their potential for success is unlimited.

If that scenario sounds like a dream to you instead of a reality, you are in the majority.

Our just-released fifth annual Media Sales Report found that 76% of sales managers don’t consider most of their teams to be superstars.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership

The 20% Dilemma: Managing Underperformance in Sales

Managing Underperformance in Sales

New data from the Media Sales Report shows that 46% of managers believe less than 20% of their sales teams are underperforming. 

It’s a terrible position to be in. It sucks your energy, time, and takes your focus from where you can be making a positive impact. It’s hard on leaders and underperformers. Underperformers usually fall into two categories:

1. The one that you hired, and they just can’t get it together. They consistently underdeliver on expectations. You hired them because you were confident they could do the job, they were maybe even going to be your next superstar, or so you hoped, but they haven’t met a budget and are underperforming.

2. The one that has performed well and is now consistently underperforming against their goals. What happened to them? They were great, but now….

Topics: sales management sales leadership

Managing a Salesperson Who Consistently Misses Their Goals

Managing a Salesperson Who Consistently Misses Their Goals

Managing a sales team can be challenging, especially when salespeople consistently miss their budget or sales targets.

While it's natural for sales professionals to have their ups and downs, it's essential to address performance issues promptly and effectively to ensure the overall success of your team and organization.

In this blog, we'll explore strategies and tips for managing salespeople who miss their budget, helping you turn underperformance into improved results.

Topics: sales performance sales leadership

How to Help Sales Leaders Improve Performance

How to Help Sales Leaders Improve Performance (1)

Sales leadership plays a crucial role in the success of any organization's sales efforts. As the driving force behind a sales team, sales leaders are responsible for setting targets, providing guidance, and motivating their team members to achieve their goals.

However, even the most skilled sales leaders can face challenges when it comes to improving performance and driving results.

Topics: sales leadership 360 coaching

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

3 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability falls under two categories: the things we do and the things we do not do. We often discuss accountability related to what’s accomplished, but do you truly take the time to hold yourself accountable for what doesn’t get done?

As a leader, accountability begins with you. You set the example. So, do you hold yourself accountable as often as you hold your team accountable?

Here are three quick tips to “up” your internal accountability game.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today?

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today

When we think of leadership, we often think of qualities or characteristics such as courage, inspiration, or perseverance. These qualities or traits are actually one of several ingredients in a powerful recipe for success and winning. That recipe is mindset.

Unprecedented headwinds over the past few years have created immense challenges and uncertainty. Leaders of companies big and small have faced a global pandemic; supply chain issues; inflation; and talent shortages just to name a few.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership

5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Team's Sales and Unlocking Their Full Potential

5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Teams Sales and Unlocking Their Full Potential

As a sales manager, you play a crucial role in driving results and maximizing the potential of your team. But managing a team is no easy task - it requires a balance of setting clear goals, providing ongoing training and support, and effectively communicating with your team.

If you're looking to up your game and take your team to the next level, here are five proven strategies to help you succeed.

Topics: sales management sales leadership

9 Tips to Lead Your Sales Team in 2023

9 Tips to Lead Your Sales Team in 2023

As a sales leader, it’s your job to analyze the market and make decisions based on the data available. You must then pass your wisdom and experience to your sales team to develop their skills and motivate them toward success. 

Sales leaders must understand product fit, as well as the company vision, mission, and culture, to lead their teams to success. 

Here are nine tips to help lead your sales team to success in the coming year.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership