Ask a sales manager about the most important decisions they make, and you will probably hear about exceeding budget, growing market share, or achieving year-over-year growth. While those decisions are critically important aspects of the job, and they require a great deal of attention, none of them can be accomplished without an even more important decision being made first.
The most important decision you will ever make as a manager is the decision of who to hire. If you don’t have great people working in the sales department, you can’t accomplish the rest.
Think of the very best salesperson you have working for you. Not the highest biller or the person that has been there the longest. I want you to think about the best seller. Imagine if you had an entire sales department of people just like that. Would sales go up? Of course.
If you want to accomplish more, there is something you can do about it.
A bad hire can cost your organization more than just money—it can drain resources, damage morale, and hinder growth.