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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

The AI Task Force: Making AI Work for Your Organization with Brent Tripp

ISP_S14-E80-AI Task Force Blog

In this episode, we’re discussing the benefits of having an AI Task Force at your company and how such a brain trust can be an invaluable resource to ensure that your organization stays ahead of the curve.

Topics: productivity podcasts sales productivity sales tech AI

Mind Over Time: 6 Lessons to Boost Your Productivity

Mind Over Time

We've all been therefeeling overwhelmed, scattered, and struggling to get things done. The traditional approach tells us to buckle down, make a to-do list, and manage our time better.

But what if the real key to productivity lies not in rigidly scheduling every minute but in learning to manage our minds?

David Kadavy's "Mind Management, Not Time Management" offers a fresh perspective and practical tips for boosting productivity by harnessing the power of your most precious resourceyour attention.

Topics: productivity time managemet

Increasing Productivity and Promoting Teamwork in a Hybrid Workplace

Increasing Productivity and Promoting Teamwork in a Hybrid Workplace

Increasing productivity and promoting teamwork in a hybrid workplace can be challenging, but a few simple changes can help people feel connected and allow them to contribute in a more meaningful way. 

As more companies move to remote and hybrid work, creating an environment that fosters teamwork is especially difficult, and many employees can feel disconnected and unmotivated when they’re not in the office. 

However, rethinking teamwork and changing how people collaborate and communicate can help ensure every employee is engaged and productive.

Topics: productivity hybrid work

Why Your Current Sales Structure is Not Producing the Activity You Need

Why Your Current Sales Structure is Not Producing the Activity You Need

Without quality activity, sales teams fall short of their performance goals.

If it seems that more than a third, or even more than half, of your team is struggling with producing quality activity, it’s time to take a hard look at your sales structure, because your sales structure is perfect­ly designed for the results you’re getting.

To identify where you might have a problem with your sales structure, break the sales process into three key areas:

  • Generating Leads
  • Selling Solutions
  • Serving Clients

Is there one clear area that more than a third of your team is struggling with?

Topics: productivity sales structure

Tips for Successfully Managing a Remote Team

Tips for Successfully Managing a Remote Team

Numerous research studies provide evidence that employees are more productive when working remotely. Sales teams are target-driven, so they’re going to find the motivation they need to be productive! However, managing a remote team isn’t easy. Here's advice from our experts, some who have managed remote teams since 1983!

Topics: productivity COVID19 Resources Remote Team

Adjusting to Working from Home: When You Can’t Meet Face-to-Face

For many sales managers and account executives, working from home is a brand-new concept. And like any emerging work style, those who've had more in-office job experiences feel skeptical about remote work.

The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) has embraced the work from home lifestyle. Our entire 40-person company has worked from home for 38 years- and we excel at it too! To help ease this sudden transition into the remote work world, here are some tips from our experts on how to stay in touch with clients and prospects.

Topics: productivity COVID19 Resources Remote Team

3 Tips to Increase Productivity and Improve Sales Performance

3 Tips to Increase Productivity and Improve Sales PerformanceDo you often struggle with time management?

Do you always have way too much to do?

Do you ever feel buried in work?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, you may not be delegating as much as you should.

Delegation is one of the talents that separate the best from the rest in sales management and is crucial to developing the strengths of others, yet it’s often something leaders don’t think about on a regular basis.

Topics: productivity

Time Management Tips from the Sales Pros - Part 3 of 3 (VIDEO)


This is the last video of the three-part series on time management. In the first video, I touched on how to identify and eliminate distractions that are getting in the way of your productivity. In the second video, I talked about ways you can prioritize and organize all of the various tasks and goals that you need to accomplishboth at work and at hometo create that work-life balance. 

Today, I'm going to talk more about what Hubspot says takes up 13 hours of our week on average: EMAIL. 

We need email. It's not like we can do without it altogether. It's essential in our business communication, and many of us rely on it for our personal communications as well. So, what can you do to help minimize distractions by email alone to help you with time management?

Topics: productivity

Time Management Tips from the Sales Pros - Part 2 of 3 (VIDEO)


Today, I'm sharing part 2 of this 3-part series on time management. The first topic I touched on was distractions and helping to identify your own distractions to minimize those that are costing you the most productivity in the workplace.

Today, I want to talk about organization, and primarily, prioritization, and how this can benefit you both at home and at work. 

At The Center for Sales Strategy, LeadG2, and Up Your Culture, we are firm believers in work-life balance. It's extremely important to the health of the organization and to your health as an individual contributor to the organization. It benefits you to maintain that work-life balance, and make sure you're creating that organization and prioritization on both sides of the equation.

Topics: productivity

Time Management Tips from the Sales Pros - Part 1 of 3 (VIDEO)

A lot of salespeople and managers that I talk to on a regular basis often seek advice on time management and how they can better manage their time.

The truth is... it really depends. It varies depending on you, your individual style, your talents, and the way you like to process things. 

In this 3-part series, I'm going to share various time management tips and things to consider based on your style and what will work for you.

Today, I'm touching on is distractions. 

Topics: productivity