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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

10 Strategies for Breaking Through to Unresponsive Decision-Makers

10 Strategies for Breaking Through to Unresponsive Decision-Makers

  • You’ve worked with your marketing team to develop your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).
  • You’ve built a database of target companies that match your ICP characteristics.
  • You’ve researched to identify the key decision-makers of your target prospects.
  • You have a great solution that has helped other similar companies.

You have a great story to tell.

Now you have one last problem. You need a chance to tell your story.

You can’t sell anything until you first talk to a decision-maker. But you can’t get a decision-maker to pick up the phone or even open your emails.

How do you break through to seemingly unresponsive decision-makers?

Topics: sales process prospecting

The 90-Day Rule: Optimizing Your Entire Sales Process

The 90-Day Rule

Even when you are excellent at closing a sale, your numbers can be down due to natural ebbs and flows in the economy or product demand. But there are other reasons why you might not see the sales you want and deserve: you might not be doing your homework.

We get it; not everything your sales team does results in sales. And that’s okay, as long as you are prepping for future sales.

For some salespeople, the concept of pre-planning lasts as long as it takes to enter a new target persona in their contact list. The reality is that sales, especially sustained sales, is a minimum 90-day process and one that a sales team should always repeat.

Here’s a quick look at how you should be approaching your sales for next quarter.

Topics: sales process

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle? Slow Down!

Want to Accelerate the Sales Cycle Slow Down

Studies show that reaching out to leads within an hour of them contacting you makes you seven times likelier to have meaningful conversations, and up to 50% of sales go to the vendor who responded first.

There’s also a tenfold decrease in your odds of making contact with a lead if you wait more than five minutes to reach out after they submit a web form.

Whether from clients, management, or themselves, salespeople are under a lot of pressure to perform faster in their sales processes. We live and work in a fast-paced, “want it now” culture that can feel overwhelming at times. Sometimes, there’s only one solution to closing more deals, and that’s to SLOW DOWN!

Topics: Needs Analysis sales process sales accelerator

Engaging a Decision Influencer to Pave the Way to a Decision Maker

Engaging a Decision Influencer to Pave the Way to a Decision Maker

When selling a product or service, not all outreach efforts should be directed directly at the decision maker, who has the final word on what will be bought.

Instead, it's more effective to engage with the people around them—influencers from whom they seek advice, people nearby who can speak favorably about your company, and sources of information they trust.

This is an even more vital strategy in B2B sales efforts. After all, the decision maker may not be the one using your product, adjusting workflows to accommodate it, or even engaging with the product directly at all. Instead, your sales teams need to develop a comprehensive approach for identifying and engaging with influencers who will ultimately lead you to decision makers (or lead the decision makers to you).

Start by clearly understanding the role of decision influencers in today's sales and buying experiences, how to reach out to these decision influencers, and, ultimately, how to leverage that connection to get in front of decision makers more effectively.

Topics: sales process prospecting

Unveiling Sales Process Bottlenecks: A Data-Driven Approach to Sales Optimization

Data-Driven Approach

For as long as sellers have been selling, managers have tracked their activity. Over time, we've improved the tools we use to track that activity, from call sheets to spreadsheets to CRM.

But if all we do is capture the data and not study the data, what's the point? After all, the value is not simply in seeing how much activity we have but in understanding the trends within that data to help salespeople improve.

Studying the data allows you to identify where the bottlenecks in the sales process occur. It enables you to go beyond what you think is happening and confirm where that friction in the sales process lives. That confirmation allows you to develop specific strategies to improve your performance or the performance of your sales team.

Topics: sales process bottleneck

7 Must Do’s for Closing a Sale Quickly

7 Must Do’s for Closing a Sale Quickly

Sealing the deal is the ultimate goal of any business negotiation, but the path to get there is often fraught with obstacles and delays.

Striking while the iron is hot can make all the difference. Closing a lucrative deal within a tight one-month timeline might seem like an impossible feat. However, with the right mindset, preparation, and tactics, it's a challenge that can be conquered.

Here are some effective strategies for closing a business deal in a short timeframe.

Topics: sales process close a deal

The Secret Weapon of Persistence: Key Insight from the Media Sales Report

The Secret Weapon of Persistence

Let's face it, sales isn't for the faint of heart. It's a battlefield of "no's," rejection emails, and voicemails that mysteriously transform into black holes, swallowing your carefully crafted messages whole.

But before you drown your sorrows in a pint of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla (hey, emotional eating is a valid sales strategy, right?), hear me out: persistence is the secret weapon in your sales arsenal.

Topics: sales process

5 Quality Sales Activities Other Than Pitching and Closing

5 Quality Sales Activities Other Than Pitching and Closing

Spending time observing salespeople is something all leaders should do occasionally. You can learn so much more by observing first-hand how your salespeople interact with clients and customers.

This can work by physically accompanying a salesperson in the field or translating to online sales by listening to sales calls or observing emails and chats.  

Topics: sales process

Negotiating: Use Your Power for Good, Not Evil

Use Your Power for Good, Not Evil

Negotiation is an art, often perceived with a mix of hesitation and intrigue. It's a dance that occurs in various aspects of life, from buying a car to brokering major business deals.

Especially in sales, negotiation is not just a skill; it's a necessity. But the essence of effective negotiation lies in the approach: it's about collaboration, not confrontation.

Topics: sales process

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning: A Strategic Sales Process

Consistent Steps That Lead to Consistently Winning A Strategic Sales Process

Salespeople fill a fundamental role in society, so why do they get a bad rep?

In a HubSpot’s Research study, Buyers Speak Out: How Sales Needs to Evolve, respondents were asked to submit the word they most associated with salespeople.

The number one response was “pushy."

Persistence is part of being a salesperson, but there’s a difference between consistently adding value with each check-in and rambling about the benefits of what you’re selling. It’s decades and decades of the “pushy” kind of sales tactic that has made the average salesperson somewhat unpopular. We’re here to help change that with an updated look at the customer-focused sales process.

Topics: sales process sales accelerator