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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Storytelling: the Social Media Super Tool Your Sales Organization Needs

superThe people on our Digital Team at The Center for Sales Strategy are often asked if social media is worth the time and effort it takes. After all, it's work to create content, engage followers and develop a community. The answer is... YES! Social media, if part of an integrated marketing solution, is ABSOLUTELY worth it! Here's the social media super tool your sales organization can use to make your product (or that of your clients and customers) come to life:

Topics: Social Media Digital selling digital advertising

Good News Every Sales Organization Needs to Hear

smileI loved this post on the Elm Street Economics blog today in which Mike Anderson says, "Walk through your store, office, lobby or dealership with a smile today.  Big enough that people stop and ask you, 'What are you smiling so big about?'  Then, just tell them it was nice to have some great economic news today."

Topics: Sales

The Sales Strategy that Worked for Steve Jobs

Steve JobsIn the wake of the untimely passing of Steve Jobs, plenty of people have written about their own experiences dealing with the legendary bigger-than-life persona that was Jobs. Could one of those articles actually offer sales advice?  You bet. I found this in the New York Times.

Topics: Needs Analysis sales strategy sales performance Sales

The Truth About Goals in a Sales Organization

lighthouseThere is a natural tension between goals to be achieved in a sales organization and the values to be followed. This tension is good. There is an interesting truth about values. In a tough economy your natural instinct might be to double down on your focus on goal attainment and not worry so much about the values of the organization (sounds like something we can focus on once the economy comes back). That would be a big mistake. The values the organization chooses to be guided by are more important in a tough economy—similar to how the importance of a lighthouse increases in a bad storm.

Topics: Sales

Justin Bieber's Sales Strategy will Blow Your Mind!

Justin_Biebers_Sales_Strategy_will_Blow_Your_MindJustin Bieber is the youngest person to ever sell out Madison Square Garden, and it only took him 22 minutes! While I know the likelihood of anyone reading this story to have been diagnosed with Bieber Fever is slim to none, if we’re all really being honest with ourselves, there is a part of each and every one of us who secretly admires him, respects his success or even REALLY likes him. I would even bet that if we stepped out of our comfort zone and removed our adult supersonic teen heartthrob repellant to take a closer look, we just might find the magic formula responsible for his unimaginable rise to global superstardom.

The quest for knowledge begins here, if you can step out of your comfort zone for a few minutes. Go ahead and remove your adult supersonic teen heartthrob repellant. You will become noticeably more curious and you might feel like eating a snack, that’s normal. Just keep reading, in a few seconds you’ll forget you care if anyone knows that Justin Bieber piques your curiosity.

Topics: Sales