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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Boost Your Biz: 5 Effective Ways to Shine Online

5 Effective Ways to Shine Online

If you’ve ever thought, "I need more meetings on my calendar," this blog is for you.

We all know that increasing your online visibility is a game-changer. But how do you do it without turning into a social media zombie?

Fear not, my friends! Here are five effective ways to boost your online profile and exposure, making those new business appointments roll in like never before.

Topics: Digital branding

Five Tips for a Successful Digital Needs Analysis

Five Tips for a Successful Digital Needs Analysis (1)

So, you've successfully secured an appointment with a promising prospect! Now, it's time to prepare for a comprehensive digital needs analysis to ensure that all the effort you invested in getting that meeting bears fruit.

The key to success lies in conducting a thorough needs analysis because understanding your prospect's business, their specific needs, challenges, and expectations is paramount when crafting a solution that truly aligns with their goals.

Topics: Needs Analysis Digital

Will Your Job Go The Way Of The Dinosaur?

Will Your Job Go The Way Of The Dinosaur

Regardless of the industry you are in, there is no doubt that you risk seeing your job function become extinct.

Think about the travel industry. Twenty years ago, who would have ever thought it was possible to book a business trip that included two different cities, multiple flights, car rentals, hotels, and more, all without the help of the travel agent?!

That’s not to say that all travel agents went away, but the business certainly changed. Today, we will look at the media industry—specifically, Digital Media Sales Managers.

Make no mistake—this is not a media-specific issue. The same could happen in many industries.

Topics: Digital integrated media solution

The Number 1 Reason Why You Will Fail At Selling Digital Marketing Solutions

The Number 1 Reason Why You Will Fail At Selling Digital Marketing Solutions

As we get ready to roll in the new year, selling digital marketing solutions will continue to be a top priority and requirement for success.

To say there is one thing that will influence your success or failure at selling digital marketing solutions is a fairly bold statement… and I am going to make it.

Topics: Digital

5 Things to Consider When Building a Digital Team

5 Things to Consider When Building a Digital Team

Digital sales teams today have to know more than how to sell. They need to understand how to develop integrated solutions that produce the business results the accounts they work with want. And they need to have the talent to be successful.

If you are in the process of building a digital sales team or upgrading your current team, here are five things you should consider.

Topics: hiring salespeople Digital

How to Help Veteran Salespeople Increase Their Digital Sales

How to Help Veteran Salespeople Increase Their Digital Sales

I will often hear sales managers confess that their most tenured, and sometimes best traditional sellers, struggle when it comes to selling more or higher value digital solutions.

As consumers spend more time with digital media and digital marketing budgets increase, it is no longer viable to have your best sellers not participating or fully participating when it comes to digital sales.

So, what is the best way to help your most talented sellers who haven’t found their digital groove?

Topics: Digital

DIGITAL SALES STRATEGY: Understanding the Digital Scoreboard

 Digital Scoreboard

This is a great time of year to be a sports fan. 

Baseball playoffs are here, and every weekend brings a full slate of college and pro football games. Every game has its own set of stats to follow, but just looking at the stats the following day doesn’t necessarily tell you who won the game.

In baseball, the team with more hits is not always the winner. In football, the winning team could have fewer total yards or more turnovers. While the stats can provide you with an educated guess of who the winner is, they don’t tell the full story of the game.

Digital advertising is very similar if you think about it.

Topics: Needs Analysis Digital

Improving Digital Sales Performance: Pre-Call Prep

Improving Digital Sales Performance Pre-Call Prep

It's always surprising to me how few sellers conduct an audit of a prospect's website and social media presence prior to meeting with a prospect.

This simple step doesn’t need to take a lot of time, but it will go a long way to help prepare you to ask better, more knowledgeable questions about the prospect, their business, and what might be important to them.

Topics: Digital selling digital advertising

Finding that Ideal Prospect when Selling Digital Advertising

Finding that Ideal Prospect when Selling Digital Advertising

Over the years, we've seen a pattern with media sellers to pursuit of prospects who welcome ideas that include digital.

Selling digital as part of an integrated solution requires a certain kind of prospect that will "get" what you're talking about with respect to integrated solutions. To help navigate through your best opportunities, try these tips as you prospect and plan your approach.

Topics: Digital selling digital advertising integrated media solution

How Inbound Marketing Can Create Raving Fans for Your Business

How Inbound Marketing Can Create Raving Fans for Your Business

Every business wants raving fans; consumers that are so overwhelmed with great customer service that they can't stop talking about your brand. This is particularly important if your business has a relatively long sales cycle. If prospects take their time to research different offerings, building brand awareness and trust is big.

And, businesses are catching on. Those using effective inbound marketing initiatives are producing sales leads and, at the same time, establishing expertise and thought leadership in their specific industry. Those experiencing this success will tell you that it's contagious, but requires the constant sharing of quality content, which attracts interested prospects to their companies.  

So how do you get consumers to not only know about your brand, but like your products and services enough to engage with your company frequently, and rave to others about you?

Topics: content marketing content strategy Digital Inbound Marketing