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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

Are you tired of traditional recruiting methods that don't seem to work for finding top-performing salespeople?

It's time to shake things up and think outside of the box. With Millennials and Gen Z not as interested in traditional sales roles, relying on hiring retreads from your competition is no longer a viable option.

It's time to get a little crazy in your search for your next sales superstar. 

Topics: recruitment remote sales team

Navigating Virtual Recruitment

Navigating Remote Recruitment

A few years ago, the idea of hiring a candidate without an in-person meeting seemed ridiculous. Since hiring the right person is vital to a team's success, the idea of not being in the same room, shaking hands, and making an in-person connection was, at best, a last resort and, at worst, unthinkable.

But whether you embraced video conferencing or were dragged into it kicking and screaming, over the last three years we have developed the technology, know-how, and experience to conduct most interactions online. Here are some ways to get the most out of your recruitment.

Topics: recruitment remote sales team

Back in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid Workplace – Tips on Making It Work

Back in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid Workplace – Tips on Making It Work

A large study by Flexjobs recently showed that 27% of employees would be willing to take up to a 20% pay cut just to continue working from home, and 81% reported that an employee who offers flexible work options would get significantly of their loyalty.

Supporting studies from Gartner also show that 82% of company leaders intend to support a hybrid workplace.

This is a candidate’s market, and it will become increasingly so.

Topics: remote sales team hybrid work

How to Boost Morale for Better Sales

 How to Boost Morale

How are you working to improve sales?

When it comes to sales, what do you value? If the answer to that question is hitting the numbers, then people are simply stepping stones. When you value people first, you'll watch the numbers stack up. The goal is to invest in people. The return on that investment is huge, because people account for a quality sales operation.

Topics: Sales company culture remote sales team

Challenges of Coaching a Remote Sales Team

Challenges of Coaching a Remote Team

According to research, over $5 billion is spent solely on sales training and sales improvements every year in the US. If your remote sales team is not up to speed with the latest sales strategies and techniques, you could be costing your business a lot of money in missed opportunities.

Coaching a remote sales team has its perks, you have less overhead because there is no brick and mortar location, plus, everyone has a bit more freedom and flexibility.

That being said, there are also many challenges of coaching a remote sales team, including the lack of connection and distance. 

So the problem is knowing how to lead a remote sales team effectively so that you can increase your sales and get a major ROI on your sales training costs. The last thing you want is to spend a lot of money on sales training and not have it be well-received. 

Thankfully, we've created this article to solve those problems, keep on reading to learn more.

Topics: sales performance remote sales team