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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Professional Self Care—Why Leaders Need Recognition Too

Professional Self Care

Most of us have set goals to start and end this year strong. For many, this involves a vow to be better at self-care. I will…eat in a more healthful manner, exercise consistently, meditate, take yoga breaks, get massages, facials, pedicures… fill in the blank.

But it all boils down to better self-care. We have all been under increasing stress in the past four years, and psychologists are emphasizing self-care as a way to combat added stress.

What about professional self-care?

Right now, most coaches and leaders are looking blank and thinking, what is professional self-care? Professional self-care is about to become a hot button for you.

In order to coach and be present for your team in the best way possible, you need to take care of yourself. How?

Topics: professional development 360 coaching

Distinguishing Between Coaching and Managing (And Why It Matters)

Distinguishing Between Coaching and Managing

Depending on the organization, the person leading a sales team may be called a manager, a leader, or a coach.

For many people leading a team and for their team members, the name doesn’t matter because the job description is the same. They are the person responsible for guiding their team toward hitting their sales goals.

But the difference between managing and coaching has become a hot-button issue. Why? Because Gen Z cares, and they are set to become the dominant group in the work force by 2025.

Topics: leadership sales coaching 360 coaching

If You Aren’t Growing, Where Are You Going? The Secret to Continued Success!

If You Aren’t Growing, Where Are You Going

Developing sales leaders is not just about their individual growth; it’s the secret to the continued success of the organization.

Sales leaders play a pivotal role in coaching teams, driving revenue, and creating a positive culture. With all of this responsibility, it is often difficult for leaders to find time to focus on their own development. Yet, there are many proven benefits to providing leaders with growth opportunities, including increased productivity and performance, better recruitment and retention, improved decision making, and better customer relationships.

Here are three ways to grow leaders and make a positive impact on your sales organization.

Topics: leadership 360 coaching

Coaching Moment: How to Turn Any Failure into an Opportunity

How to Turn Any Failure into an Opportunity (1)

Being a great coach and developer of people is a natural talent, and those gifted with these abilities can take people far. Seeing how things CAN happen or improve motivates others to feel the same, especially in the event of a failure.

We all make mistakes and have disappointments; it's what we do with that lesson that makes a difference.

There are a few things that the best coaches do when failure occurs on their team that may also help you find success.

The best coaching is…

  • In the moment
  • Specific
  • Clear on next steps
  • Encouraging
Topics: employee development 360 coaching

It’s No Secret: The Best Sales Managers Know How to Maximize Their Own Talents

The Best Sales Managers Know How to Maximize Their Own Talents.

If you’ve ever been in sales, you know first-hand that one of the most powerful ways to go from good to great is having a strong sales manager. The best sales managers are active listeners and innovative thinkers. They know how to inspire and motivate their teams.

So, is there a secret that only these superstar managers know?

Of course not. But what we know for certain is that they are the ones who give just as much attention to managing their own talents as they do to managing their teams.

And how do they do that?

They begin with themselves and their own self-awareness. It sounds simple, but you truly can’t know and lead others if you don’t know yourself.

Topics: leadership development 360 coaching

5 Ways to Grow Your Sales Leadership Talents

5 Ways to Grow Your Sales Leadership Talents

We consistently talk about the importance of growing and developing others. It’s a vital part of any leadership role. But as a leader, while you’re busy helping others grow their talents, are you still nurturing yours?

When you focus on growing a talent, you can improve performance by up to ten times. Don’t just help your team take advantage of their potential. Take advantage of your potential as well.

Here are five things you can do right now to nurture and grow your sales leadership talents.

Topics: 360 coaching

5 Tips for Sales Management Success

5 Tips for Sales Management Success

Sales management is a tough job.

I googled why sales managers fail and got “About 206,000,000 results (0.40 seconds).” “About 60% of new managers fail within the first 24 months in their new role”, according to research from CEB Global.


There are a lot of reasons (just ask Google), but it often comes down to not knowing how to manage people effectively and not being able to implement changes and improve the selling process.

Simply put, to be successful as a sales manager, you must understand people and how to help people sell.

Topics: 360 coaching

Top 5 Ways to Develop Sales Leaders

Top 5 Ways to Develop Sales Leaders

The influence a manager has on your culture and the engagement of those they manage is enormous. According to a Gallup study, 70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the manager.

Knowing this, the time and investment you make in your management team is important to your company’s success. Having a plan for their development (or yours) needs to be a priority.

According to the Engage 2023 Report, nearly half (49%) of survey respondents shared that their company is only somewhat focused or not focused at all on employee development. It is time to change that dynamic so your company flourishes.

It takes commitment and dedication from their leadership to help set the tone and expectations for managers. Don’t assume that only new managers need attention. Even with years of management experience, there are still many opportunities for growth for everyone who leads a team.

Finding new ways to develop effective leaders can be challenging, and you may need a few ideas to add to your portfolio. Here are a few to get you started.

Topics: 360 coaching

6 Things You Can Do to Better Coach Your Sales Team

6 Things You Can Do to Better Coach Your Sales Team

It’s common knowledge that professional athletes who reach peak performance no longer need coaching, right?


Even top-performing athletes still have coaches because there’s always room for improvement. Coaches observe what athletes can’t see – athletes are too busy playing!

The same can be said for your sales team. Coaching helps your team members by boosting their confidence, improving their performance, and helping them see things they’re unable to see – they’re too busy selling!

But coaching isn’t always easy. If it were, we wouldn’t have Jim Mora’s famous “playoffs” rant or the iconic moment when Lou Piniella yanked up first base and heaved into right field. Coaching takes time, patience, and consistent dedication. Sometimes, you may even feel like you're running out of ideas to coach your team effectively.

If that happens, don't worry. We've got you covered. Here are six things you can start doing right now to better coach your sales team and help them reach their full potential.

Topics: 360 coaching

Top Strategies of Highly Effective Sales Managers

Top Strategies of Highly Effective Sales Managers

To build a great sales team, you need a great leader. Talented and engaged managers coach and develop their teams, always improving the standards of performance.

They put their people first, but their focus on development doesn’t stop with their direct reports. Highly effective sales managers also spend time on their own growth and development, seeking opportunities to learn and improve.

To keep top leaders engaged, it’s important to provide them with ongoing development opportunities.

Topics: 360 coaching