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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Digital Marketing: Content Curation for Thought Leadership

Digital MarketingAre you on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter? Do you post articles or links with your comments or insights to share with your friends, business network or colleagues? If so, did you know you are a “Content Curator?”

It’s true. The term “Content Curation” has recently gained popularity in blogging and content marketing communities, and there are several mainstream websites that are receiving millions of visits per month by visitors looking for a single place to get information that’s organized in an easy-to-use format on specific topics. 

Topics: content marketing digital marketing Inbound Marketing

Digital Marketing: Don't Forget Mobile in Your Integrated Campaign

digital marketingBuilding an effective marketing strategy has always been important and sometimes daunting task for businesses and it isn't getting any easier! If you've spent any time reading this blog, you know that developing integrated campaigns is key and new studies show how vital mobile has become to these solutions. As a business owner/CMO/part of a marketing department; having a good understanding of this can be vital to your upcoming marketing successes.

Topics: digital marketing Digital integrated media solution media snacking

Sales Management Secrets: Coaching the Talent of Interpersonal

sales coachingHis coworkers like him, his clients love him, and you can always count on him to come through for you.  He’s like the Dr. Phil of the office – ready to listen, give advice, and help near-strangers through tough times!

Topics: developing strengths Sales

Sales Strategy: When to Up-sell or Cross-sell a Customer?

sales strategy!Take a moment and think of times you were up-sold in the past.  It happens so frequently, that you don’t even realize it.  I wanted to order flowers on a website, another screen popped up and I ordered chocolates and I received free shipping…  I went to the auto repair shop specifically for an oil change and added two additional repairs that my service clerk recommended…  As a sales strategy, is this a bad thing or a good thing?

Topics: setting expectations sales strategy Sales

Digital Marketing: Insights Your Customers Need to Know About

Integrated Solutions 01If you play a hand in your company's marketing efforts or sell traditional media, there's a study worth paying attention to for two reasons:

Topics: Digital selling digital advertising integrated media solution

Sales Strategy: Helping You Find That Special Someone

Helping You Find That Special SomeoneWho are the prospects waiting for you? Before we get started on our journey to find that special someone, we need to define a “prospect” from a “suspect.” In my readings, the best definition I’ve found is:   

Topics: sales strategy Inbound Marketing Sales

Sales Strategy and Sales Management: What's Important to You?

sales strategy and sales managementAs we head into mid-February, it makes sense to take a look back and review some of the top blog postings of 2012.

Topics: sales performance Sales blog strategy

Sales Management Secrets: Creating a Superstar Salesperson

Sales Management SecretsSales managers have an endless list of tasks they could attend to every day.  Am I right?  Of course I am.  A large client demands your attention, your top rep needs you to look at a deal they are going to propose, you have more than a hundred emails that you should do something with, and oh yeah—you have piles stacking up on your desk and floor! (Read our other Sales Management Secrets here!)

Topics: sales strategy Sales

Sales Strategy: Ask for a Referral…You Deserve It!

Ask for a referralReferrals are like gold, it takes hard work to acquire them and they are extremely valuable! Most salespeople aspire to get them however, it seems as if this is the one area most would say they could greatly improve on…even high performing b2b sales reps.   

Topics: sales strategy sales performance Sales

Sales Strategy: Please Don’t Leave Me

Please don't leave meAs a sales professional, you are accustomed to what it feels like from the seller’s experience juggling prospects, customers, details, and priorities.  But, have you ever stopped to think what life feels like from the prospect’s point of view assuming they stay with you through the sales process?  Do you sometimes disappear from the sales process only to reappear when you get back on track with your schedule? 

Topics: setting expectations Sales

The Intended Consequence of Inbound Marketing - Thought Leadership

inbound marketingWhile you can easily measure site traffic, Twitter followers, and how you rank for keywords on Google, it’s a little more challenging to measure what I contend is one of the most important benefits of inbound marketing – thought leadership.

When I discuss inbound marketing with new clients and prospects they tend to focus on tangible items such as search engine optimization (SEO), keyword rankings and the effect that blogging has on generating leads and building their contact database. This is natural considering that inbound marketing projects sometimes get funded from monies reallocated from SEO consultants, email marketers and social media firms. These tangible results (or promise of results) make it easier for a CFO or Controller to sign off on, rather than the possibility of intangibles such as thought leadership.

Topics: Lead Generation Inbound Marketing

Help Your Sales Prospecting - Read The Marketing Mind Blog

For example, today’s issue explains how some insurance companies are beginning to target consumers, rather than employers. Of course that means you could be selling to healthcare providers who would now like to establish a relationship directly with consumers.  

sales strategy
Topics: Needs Analysis Sales

Sales Coaching: Were We On the Same Call?

sales coachingAs a sales manager, you have no doubt had this experience. You just returned from making a sales call with one of your people and they begin to describe to someone else how the call went, who said what, and what got accomplished. As you listen, you are wondering if you were even on the same call, because what you saw and what you experienced was quite different.  So, what’s going on here?  Is your salesperson just obtuse, or perhaps trying to spin the story to make himself look good? Chances are, neither.

Topics: sales performance Sales

Sales Management Secrets (Part 5): Coaching the Talent of Positivity

sales coaching
Topics: developing strengths Sales

Digital Marketing: Creating Campaigns That Work (Part 2)

digital marketing strategyIn Part 1 of this blog series, the question was asked: How do businesses use local media sites to effectively market their business? This is a digital marketing strategy question that is heard frequently and it is for that reason we set out to find an answer.

Topics: Digital What & Why content strategy Digital integrated media solution

Sales Strategy: The Telephone; Friend or Foe?

sales strategy?With everyone's time at such a premium these days, many of us have come to rely too much on our phones. Perhaps it would be healthy to step back and consider what the telephone can and cannot do for your sales strategy: 

Topics: sales strategy Sales